February 06, 2018
Environmental ministers should
include LPG in air pollution
Brussels, January 29, 2018 –
Pollutants such as particulate
matter, nitrogen oxide and ozone
kill hundreds of thousands each
year. One way to reduce these deadly
emissions is to switch to LPG.
Ministers from 9 Member States will
convene in Brussels for an air
quality ministerial summit on
Tuesday, 30 January, invited by the
EU Commissioner for Environment
Karmenu Vella. The European LPG
Association considers this meeting
to be a unique opportunity for
Member States to develop measures to
address long standing breach of
European emission standards.
The benefits or LPG have for long
been demonstrated. In off-grid areas
in particular, the cleaner fuel of
choice is LPG. Because it’s stored
and transported as a liquid, it
suits those distributed, small-scale
applications. Because it burns like
a gas, its particle (PM) emissions
are negligible, and Nitrogen Oxide (NOx)
and ozone-precursors can be
controlled to low levels.
In heating, LPG’s particles and
ozone-precursor emissions are lower
than heating oil’s and wood’s
(biomass). A study by the Italian
research institute INNOVHUB showed
that oil boilers generate more than
twice the PM emissions of a similar
LPG boiler and that biomass
appliances’ PM emissions can be 600
times higher than LPG ones. In
transport, road vehicles running on
LPG produce far fewer of the harmful
emissions associated with
traditional fuels that contribute to
health and environmental problems.
In the run up of the meeting of
January 30th, Samuel Maubanc,
General Manager of the AEGPL urges:
“The time has come for European
leaders to seriously look at LPG as
a cost-effective and readily
available solution to fight air
pollution and improve air quality in
The European LPG Association will
continue working closely with its
national member associations, making
the case for LPG both at national
and at European level.
January 29, 2018
The 30th World LPG Forum wrapped up
in Marrakech
The 30th World LPG Forum took place
from October 3-5, 2017 at the Palais
des Congrès de Marrakech in Morocco.
The world’s largest annual global
LPG conference offered besides
unparalleled networking
opportunities, high quality sessions
and side events and of course a
major global exhibition. The theme
of the 2017 event was ‘Fuelling New
Markets’ and the choice of the
destination reminded delegates that
African LPG demand potential could
be realised over the next decade.
Key Facts and Figures: More than 1,500 total
participants from 72 countries
Top five countries represented:
1. Morocco
2. Italy
3. France
4. USA
5. India
The Exhibition 117 exhibiting
Keynotes by the Minister of Energy,
Mines and Sustainable Development
The event organisers were honored to
welcome Mr Aziz Rebbah, Minister of
Energy, Mines and Sustainable
Development of Morocco who launched
this exceptional edition of the
World LPG Forum in Marrakech.
‘Fuelling New Markets’ Forum
There were many highlights of the
two and a half day sessions in
Marrakech, but most notably the
roundtable ‘Fuelling New Markets’
which covered a wide range of
topics. The panel featured
discussions on the growth potential
in Morocco and Nigeria as well the
potential for growth in developed,
mature markets such as the US which
are dealing with gradually
decreasing consumption. There was a
general agreement among the
panelists that despite the
challenges the industry faces there
are reasons to be optimistic about
the future.
A Wide Range of Sessions
Other sessions on the Wednesday
covered ‘Back to the Future’ where
chair Philip Shaw opened this first
session which focused on the future
and what the LPG industry might look
like in ten years’ time. It was
noted that ten years ago the US was
a net importer of LPG and is now the
world's largest exporter, and so
trying to predict the future has its
challenges. The second session
‘Safety First’ indicated that HSE
management systems are critical in
environments of change, development
and growth when the risks are always
higher, such as the case of Africa.
Panagiotis Haritopoulos the chair of
the session stressed the importance
of safety, referring to a new
concept of “chronic unease”. Session
3 ‘Seizing the Potential’ opened the
Thursday programme featuring a
number of engaging presentations
focusing on growth potential in
different markets and sectors. From
LPG for power generation in Myanmar,
to ground-breaking communications in
Brazil, to agricultural applications
in the US, Autogas in Morocco and a
whole suite innovative programmes
that have unleashed unprecedented
growth in India. The ‘Harnessing
Diversity’ session studied aspects
of diversity in the LPG industry.
Final session of the day ‘Unlocking
Africa’ was dedicated to looking at
the latent potential that exists for
growth in Africa. With discussions
covering market conditions and
changes in Nigeria, Cameroon and
Morocco the session sought to
understand what were the bottlenecks
on ramping up strong growth in
The Global Technology Conference
& The LPG for Development Summit
Among other highlights was the
Global Technology Conference 2017
which took place on Tuesday
afternoon and where cutting edge
innovation was showcased. The 2017
innovation awards winning team:
Begas Motor/Repsol and the two
runners up: Envirofit and Kopagas
were presented by James Rockall, CEO
of the WLPGA. Also on Tuesday
afternoon the LPG for Development
Summit, sponsored by the Global LPG
Partnership and supported by La
Fédération de L’Energie, was kicked
off by a rousing keynote by Rachel
Kyte, CEO, Sustainable Energy for
All and Special Representative of
the United Nations
Secretary-General. Speaking to an
audience of over 200 delegates, Ms
Kyte challenged the industry to
reach the three billion people today
who do not have access to clean
cooking fuels. SEforALL and WLPGA
have signed an agreement that makes
WLPGA a Knowledge Partner of
SEforALL to enhance knowledge
exchange and solutions related the
following aims: Heat Maps to Advance
Action on Clean Cooking Solutions;
Tracking Finance for Energy Access;
Sharing Stories of Success; and
Mobilising Women in Energy.
October 24, 2017
All India Industrial Gases
Manufacturers' Association (AIIGMA)
at "Cryogen-Expo"
All India Industrial Gases
Manufacturers' Association (AIIGMA)
delegation will take part in
The organization joins over 270
members including all leading gas
manufacturers in India and abroad
who have a direct interest on the
Indian gas industry.
Industrial Gas Industry covers gases
namely, oxygen, nitrogen, argon,
acetylene, helium, carbon dioxide,
hydrogen and medical gases like
medical oxygen and nitrous oxide.
The negotiations with the
representatives of the Association
can be carried out at the joint
booth of the organization - E05,
Hall 2.
July 06, 2017
AEGPL Congress took place in Lisbon
on the 21st and 22nd June 2017
The annual AEGPL Congress took place
in Lisbon on the 21st and 22nd June
2017, bringing together around 1,200
professionals from all across the
LPG industry. The AEGPL Congress is
the biggest LPG event in Europe and
a recognized opportunity for the
industry to meet. As in previous
editions, the AEGPL Congress was
divided into an exhibition area,
created for companies to exhibit
their most innovative products, and
a conference area where high-level
panels discussed the most prominent
business and policy issues affecting
our industry.
The conference featured 31
high-level speakers of which over a
third were women – a testimony of
AEGPL’s efforts to promote gender
equality. For two days, panelists
discussed the challenges and
opportunities for the LPG industry
throughout all its value chain. The
discussions covered areas like the
role of renewables, new areas for
LPG, the impact of public policy, or
the role of LPG in the communities.
The sessions were very well attended
with active interaction with the
audience leading to very interesting
Over 130 booths showcased the
cutting-edge products and services
offered by the most innovative
companies in the LPG industry.
Exhibitors had the opportunity to
exchange contacts, do business, and
witness the most advanced solutions
presented by companies from all over
the World.
To find more information about the
2017 AEGPL Congress in Lisbon you
can visit the website
www.aegpl2017.com where you can find
a more detailed summary of the
Congress together with images and
video from Lisbon. In 2018, the
AEGPL will celebrate its 50th
Anniversary in Monaco at the 2018
AEGPL Congress and we hope to see
you there!
February 17, 2017
“Mir-Expo” attended the AIIGMA 39th
Seminar on Industrial Gases in Abu
The members of the EC “Mir-Expo”
attended the AIIGMA 39th Seminar on
Industrial Gases, which took place
on January 19 – 21, 2017 at the
Ritz-Carlton Hotel in Abu Dhabi, UAE.
The annual event is a platform for
technical discussions, search for
solutions and ideas exchange for the
gas manufacturers from different
parts of India and other countries.
The seminar was a success with the
delegates among which there were
representatives of gas associations,
producers and consumers of
industrial gases, equipment
The 39th Seminar presented a
qualitative overview of the
industrial gas market in India and
worldwide, demonstrated the
innovations in the field of
industrial gas production and
The event was organized at a high
professional level and provided the
delegates a good opportunity to
develop the cooperation with
long-standing partners and to widen
the circle of business contacts.
December 16, 2016
The 29th World LPG Forum & 2016
European Congress wrapped up in
The 29th World LPG Forum & 2016
European Congress took place from
November 15th-17th, at the
Firenze Fiera Congress and
Exhibition Centre in Florence,
Italy. The series of events offered
unparalleled networking
opportunities, very high quality
sessions and side events and, of
course, a major global exhibition.
The theme of the 2016 event was ‘A
Bridge to the Future’ and the focus
of discussions was on global
opportunities for LPG.
Key Facts and Figures:
Around 1,800 total
participants from 113
countries and 120 exhibiting
companies Top five countries
represented: 1. Italy 2.
France 3. India 4.
Turkey 5. USA
“A Bridge to the Future” Forum &
Congress Highlights.
There were many highlights of the
two-day event in Florence, but most
notably the main roundtable ‘The
Role of LPG in the Energy Future’
chaired by Veteran BBC Journalist Mr
Roger Harrabin who opened the
session by acknowledging the
challenges the world faces in terms
of trying to meet the energy needs
of the future and underscored the
role that LPG must play. Mr Stephen
Rennie from Calor Gas spoke about
the problems of air pollution both
in homes, mostly from cooking fires,
and in urban areas. Mr David Carroll
from the IGU stated very clearly
that LPG and Natural Gas are
complimentary fuels and both crucial
in bringing a clean burning energy
source to end users all over the
world. Mr Dan Dorner from the
International Energy Agency (IEA)
stated that the 2016 World Energy
Outlook was being launched at the
same time as they were holding this
session. Mr Ercüment Polat from
Aygaz stated that the term
‘disruption’ is a good word to
describe the state of the energy
industry right now. Joint Secretary
Jindal from the Indian Ministry
spoke about the Indian experience of
converting millions of people from
biomass to LPG under the very
aggressive Modi government plan.
Other Highlights
2016 WLPGA Global Technology
Conference (GTC)
WLPGA's Technical Director Nikos
Xydas opened the GTC which was
chaired by Ms Grace Willis of
Propane Education & Research Council
and Mr Richard Hakeem of
UKLPG. The GTC was held over two
sessions during which nine papers,
featuring some of the latest
technologies impacting the LPG
industry, were presented including
some innovative applications for LPG
as an engine fuel and as a
residential energy source, some ways
to improve LPG quality and safety,
and some interesting ideas involving
communications, packaging and
The GTC Awards ceremony
celebrated the winner of the WLPGA
Innovation Awards from GTC2015 in
Singapore, Mr Randy Erwin, of M-TriGen
with his paper LPG Powered Micro
Combined Cooling Heating and Power
Systems (MCCHP). The runner up was
Mr Greg Kerr, of Propane Education &
Research Council with paper LPG
Direct Injection Engine Research.
The winners of the GTC2016 WLPGA
Innovation Awards were Can Tikiroglu
of Aygaz and the two runner ups were
Cinch Munson of PERC and Christophe
Reimnitz of GE.
During the Future Market Outlook,
David Tyler, Projects and Business
Practices Director at WLPGA,
introduced Walt Hart, IHS, who
moderated the session and reminded
the audience that LPG is a supply
driven market with many challenges.
Shigeo Ishikawa from Eneos Globe
described Japan's LPG business and
the increasing supplies coming from
the US. Rob Donaldson, Targa,
described the latest news of US LPG
production of which 90% originates
from gas productionMartin Ackermann,
BWLPG, described the shipping scene
with freight rates at historically
low levels and owners operating
below cost. Pak Basuki Trikora Putra,
Pertamina, described Indonesia's
kerosene to LPG conversion programme
of which succeeded in converting
over 57m users. Finally, Christophe
Casabonne, Engie, described the
opportunities for LPG in the power
generation segments.
The session Safety is no Accident
was chaired by Mr Henry Cubbon, DCC
Energy LPG. The key messages
proceeding from the excellent
presentations in business include
HSE Leadership, safety by choice,
culture change, commitment,
attitude, engage and lead, and walk
the talk. These messages came from
three continents demonstrating that
good HSE performance equally
demonstrates good business
performance. Excellent examples from
Coral Gas, Origin and Oryx establish
that improving HSE performance
begins with positive leadership and
with winning hearts and minds.
Ms Nikki Brown, who chaired the
session Exceptional Energy in
Action, quoted that LPG
businesses would not exist without
the applications, appliances and
equipment that use this exceptional
fuel. The session showcased some of
the uses of LPG that stand out with
a promising future, ranging from
power generation with GE to a
variety of agricultural applications
with PERC. It also included several
varieties of heavy duty engines in
buses, trucks and trains with
X-Tech, and also SNG plants with
The parallel session, Cooking For
Life Innovative Distribution Models,
chaired by Mr Yashvir Kumar Gupta,
Indian Oil Corporation, started with
an overview of the progress being
made in India. Kalinda Magloire from
SWITCH in Haiti discussed how her
company is working with the Haitian
diaspora in the US. Furthermore, Ms
Renuka Shukla, Indian Oil
Corporation and Ms Rachna Yadav,
Vardaan Indane Gas gave a joint
presentation outlining the
aggressive campaign presently driven
by the Modi government in India to
convert millions of Indians from the
use of biomass to LPG. Following,
Alex Evans held a detailed
discussion regarding the goals and
positioning of the Global LPG
Partnership in various markets
around the world. Lastly, Ms Tamsin
Rankin, Vision in Energy (PTY) Ltd,
informed the audience about the
South African market and the new
initiative Vision in Energy event
that will be held in South Africa,
May 2017.
On the second day, Mr Michael Panas,
Poten and Partners, introduced
Session 4 on the Regional Outlook
for LPG by saying that balancing
LPG trade could prove challenging.
The first of the five speakers on
the panel was Mr Wega Pitya, Laugfs
Gas, Sri Lanka, who described the
opportunities in Asia for LPG. Ms
Helen Liang, Guangdong Oil & Gas,
China, described the growth of the
market in China especially from
petchem, and the potential retail
demand. Ms Agnieszka Stochmal,
AmeriGas, Poland, described the
Polish LPG market and its dependence
on Autogas. Then Michael Panas asked
Mr Francesco Franchi, Assogasliquidi,
Italy, to talk about the Italian
market and he mentioned the threat
from bio-mass pellets. Mr Ilya
Zaymentsev, Sibur, Russia, stated
that Russia produces 4.7% of the
world’s LPG and outlined some of the
company’s expansion programmes.
In Session 5: Driving Change, Ms
Marina Terpolilli, automotive
journalist and chair of the
session, reminded participants of
the current challenges faced by the
road transport sector, with growing
air pollution and climate concerns.
Mr Corrado Storchi, Landi Renzo
provided an overview of the Italian
market and shared some perspectives
from the equipment manufacturing
business on the Autogas trends. Mr
Loic Bouttier, Renault-Dacia
explained the Renault-Dacia product
portfolio. He also unveiled the
group’s Autogas strategy. Mr Samuel
Maubanc, AEGPL presented the results
of tests undertaken in real driving
conditions in compliance with
state-of-the-art procedures. Mr
Jeffrey Stewart, Blue Star Gas
talked about the commercial vehicle
strategy in the United States. Mr
Ercüment Polat, Aygaz explained the
reasons behind the important growth
of the Autogas market in Turkey.
The final session of this year's
event, entitled Good Leaders Keep
Learning was chaired by Ms
Wanjiku Manyara of Petroleum
Institute of East Africa (PIEA). Mr
Y K Gupta, Indian Oil Corporation,
India, gave an overview of the LPG
market on India with a focus on the
government initiatives; Mr Guilherme
Netto of Ultragaz Brazil discussed
the actions Ultragaz take to promote
change, innovation and mobility; Ms
Lucy Cook of UKLPG, UK outlined the
highly successful new integral
digital marketing campaign; Mr
Gabriele Rizzo, BRC Rally Team,
Italy gave a fascinating glimpse
into how Autogas is fuelling rally
cars Championships; and finally Mr
Claudio Leal, Prio Energy, Portugal
gave an insight into Prio Energy's
impressive ten year journey.
The next AEGPL Congress will
be held in Lisbon (June 2017) and
the next World LPG Forum - in
Marrakech (October 2017).
October 10, 2015
Succesfull testing of a Cryogenic
Distribution System by Demaco.
Initial testing of the Wendelstein
7-X magnetic field – it’s spot on!
Testing of the magnetic field in the
Wendelstein 7-X fusion device was
completed sooner than planned. The
measurements, which were much
anticipated at the Max Planck
Institute for Plasma Physics in
Greifswald, show: The
superconducting magnetic coils,
whose technical tests were completed
only last week are producing the
required magnetic field. The
magnetic cage for the fusion plasma,
which has a temperature of many
million degrees, has a configuration
which is in line with the
calculations of the physicists. This
is an essential milestone in the
operational preparations that are
currently under way. Later this
year, Wendelstein 7-X should produce
its first plasma...
Demaco delivered the “Cryogenic
Distribution System” by order of LKT
(Switserland) and is proud to have
contributed to this milestone in the
world of plasma physics and fusion
research. It’s all about Cryogenius.
June 10, 2015
Industry comes together at the
AEGPL Congress Berlin 2015
Brussels, 08 June 2015 - The annual
AEGPL Congress took place in Berlin
on the 20th and 21st May 2015 and
brought together more than 1500
professionals from all across the
LPG industry. The AEGPL Congress is
the biggest LPG event in Europe and
a recognized opportunity for the
industry to meet. The Congress is
typically divided into an exhibition
area, created for companies to
exhibit their products, and a
conference area where high-level
panels discuss the most prominent
business and policy issues.
Over 100 companies were present at
the exhibition and promoted
cutting-edge products and services
for all sectors of the LPG industry.
Exhibitors had the opportunity to
exchange contacts, do business, and
witness the most advanced solutions
presented by companies from all over
the World.
At the same time, the conference
featured 36 high-level speakers
including Thorsten Herdan,
Director-General for energy policy –
heating and efficiency – in the
German Federal Ministry for Economic
Affairs and Energy; and Günther
Oettinger, European Commissioner for
Digital Economy and Society and
former Commissioner for Energy. The
speakers highlighted the strengths
of the LPG sector, its contribution
in reaching the EU climate targets
and the areas in which it can
further grow.
The discussions at the conference
were very lively with the 300
participating delegates engaging
with the members of the different
panels and providing an exciting
exchange of views. The AEGPL
Congress panels of experts discussed
issues such as the challenges and
opportunities faced by LPG; the
current policy context; or the best
practices in the industry.
The Berlin Congress ended on a high
note with the presentation of the
29th World LPG Forum & 2016 AEGPL
Congress that will take place in
Istanbul, a joint event with the
WLPGA. You can find more information
about Istanbul 2016 in the website
December 09, 2014 On
December 16, 2014 CREON Energy
carries out the Third International
"LNG 2014" Conference at Hotel
Baltschug Kempinski Moscow
In the past 20 years, LNG trade
evolved from intra-regional to
international, and currently LNG
business remains the most dynamic
sector in the gas industry. Russia
is falling behind in terms of
entering the international LNG
market. The wave of global LNG
initiatives has been announced
recently, and the soonest shipments
to the market will arrive from
Australian and American projects.
There are several global trends that
undermine the competitiveness of
Russian LNG. These include a sharp
increase in shale gas production,
possible breakthrough in gas
production from gas hydrate,
development of logistics and
reduction of transportation costs.
Due to significant decline in world
prices for LNG, multi-million
investments in LNG production may
become unprofitable for Russian
companies and their international
How will the international situation
develop in LNG segment? What are the
prospects for the Russian LNG
projects? These and other questions
will be discussed at the conference.
Additional information is available
by phone: +7 (495) 797-49-07 or by
December 05, 2014 An
Exceptional World LP Gas Forum
Wrapped up in Miami on October 28 -
30, 2014
The 27th World LP Gas Forum united
with the 29th AIGLP Congress at the
Intercontinental Hotel in Miami,
Florida under the theme "The Future
Starts Now." This marks the first
time the World LP Gas Forum has been
in the U.S. since 2006. With a
sold-out exhibition and an
outstanding conference programme,
this event was an unprecedented
success affording unique networking,
learning, and business
On 26 November 2013 a first meeting
of a new Technical Committee on
Standardization TK-114 “Oxygen and
cryogenic equipment” established by
Rostandard as per its order no 952
dated 23.08.2013, took place on the
territory of the Expo-Center at the
12th international specialized
exhibition “Cryogen-Expo. Industrial
The facilitator of the arrangement
CJSC “Kislorodmontazh” is a base
organization for this Technical
Committee as well as a head of
Subcommittee PK1 “Industry-wide
norms and rules”. Besides the
Committee includes Subcommittees:
PK2 “Equipment for manufacturing and
processing technical gases» on the
basis of OJSC “Criogenamsh” (Balashikha
city, MO), PKZ “Equipment for
manufacturing and processing helium
and oxygen” on the basis of JSC “Gelymash”(Moscow
city), PK4“ Equipment for
manufacturing and processing rare
gases ” (Ukraine, Odessa) and PK5
“Tanks for storage and transporting
industrial gases ” on the basis of
OJSC “UralCrioMash” (Nizhny Tagil
On 27 November on the eve of the
meeting, a meeting of the TK114
Steering Committee took place, which
approved agenda of the first
meeting, plan on standards
development and plan for forming
working groups.
Out of the currently existing 28
members of the Committee, 26 members
attended the meeting with 5 members
having delegated its voices to the
TH 114 Responsible Secretary by
proxy. Two members of the Committee
were absent. Also anybody who wanted
could attend the meeting.
The President CJSC “Kislorodmontazh”
and the TK114 Chairman Mr. S.N.
Tyukulmin took floor on the first
issue and briefed the Committee
members on the composition of the
Committee and Subcommittees. Also he
attracted attention to the necessity
to fill the Committee with the
representatives of the organization,
which had been already approved by
the Rosstandard Order but still did
not work.
The second issue was presented by
Mr. V.V. Novikov, the Chairman of
the Steering Committee, who briefed
on methods to finance works on
standardization. He noted that the
Committee would try to perform
activities without attracting
budgetary finance by raising funds
independently by attracting funds
from the clients who would order
development of the standards. But
the Committee is a structural
department of the Rosstandard and
cannot have its own payment
accounts. To this end in the
beginning of the year CJSC
“Kislorodmontazh” approved
non-commercial partnership “Center
of Competence on Oxygen and
Cryogenic Equipment” which has the
right to conclude agreements for
developing standards, and the plan
on developing standards to be
performed via this noncommercial
partnership (NP). To fill this
organization with other legal
entities, a decision was taken at
the meeting that all members of the
Technical Committee would enter this
noncommercial partnership with
entrance and membership fees being
reduced for them. After enlisting
the members the non-commercial
partnership would be re-registered
into the first in Russia cryogenic
self-regulating organization (SRO).
TK114 Responsible Secretary Mr.
V.A.Vlasyuk informed the TK114
members about the perspective plan
on developing standards for the
period till 2019 and standards
included in the plan for 2014.
Considering that the Committee lacks
funds for developing standards,
these applications contain standards
for terminology and definitions
only, which will be performed by the
Committee members at their expense.
This is due to the critical lack of
the standards in the industry. For
example, out of the existing
standard base of about 50000 not
more than 10 are related to our
branch, which prevents the branch
working properly. For the same year
NP will collect orders for
development of standards and work
will be performed in a more orderly
manner. Orders for development of
standards are being received already
and we are sure of the future. The
Committee includes enterprises from
Belorussia, which are to be assisted
in developing branch standards for
Belorussia. We also will assist the
members of our Committee from
Kazakhstan in developing standards
for cryogenic equipment for
Kazakhstan. Mr. V.A.Vlasyuk also
took floor on the forth issue. He
informed TK114 members of plan on
forming working groups. These groups
will be formed in Sub-Committees.
Leading scientists and organizations
in the industry will be involved.
Besides both Clients and all those
who want and need new standards can
General Director JSC “Gelymash” Mr.
V.N. Udut informed about the fifth
issue proposing to develop a number
of standards on natural gas, which
we included in the development plan
together with TK 052. Besides the
members of the Committee submitted
their proposals for development of
standards: JSC “Grasis” on
developing standards on adsorption
and membrane equipment; JSC “NPF
TsBA” on developing standards on
cryogenic fitting. TD “Real Sorb”
provided application for development
standard for new adsorbent brands.
Portal TGKO applied for a new brand
of cylinders for technical gases.
Besides the meeting CJSC
“Kislorodmontazh” organized
exhibition stand to inform visitors
of its products as well as of TK114
Committee and new NP. During the
exhibition the Committee management
talks with the company “Worthington”
(Austria) were conducted which
ordered development of standards for
up-to-date cylinders of their
manufacture. This standard will
permit to perform regular technical
after-sale checking of their
cylinders, which will facilitate
their distribution in the countries
of the Custom Union.
Currently CJSC “Kislorodmontazh”
concluded an agreement with OJSC
“Kislorodmash” (does not work
currently) on buying proprietary
rights for trade names and technical
documents. It will allow us to
perform works under the TK114
Committee framework on certification
of products and services of those
companies, which are manufacturing
their products now but violating
these rights. The Committee together
with Rostekhnadzor will perform
analysis and certification of their
production facilities and products
and subject to their compliance will
authorize them to manufacture these
products in future.
To solve safety issues of oxygen
production facilities the Committee
together with exhibition company
“Mir Expo”, will organize and hold
annual conference in Russia on these
issues with formalizing their
decisions in the relative standards
and technical procedures. Up to now
the time has been scheduled for
April-May months. It is planned to
hold regular meetings of the TK114
Technical Committee during these
October 24, 2013 The International Seminar
"Cryogenics for superconducting
electroenergetics" - the first time
in Russia
The 26th World LP Gas Forum & 2013
AEGPL Congress took place earlier
this month in London and was an
exceptional success.
A combined event covering the World
LP Gas Forum and AEGPL Congress and
also the UKLPG Annual Conference,
the series of events provided not
only unparalleled networking
opportunities, a stellar speaker
lineup of international dignitaries
and industry leaders but also a
major global exhibition.
Official opening by HRH The Princess
The event organisers were honoured
to welcome Her Royal Highness The
Princess Royal who launched this
exceptional event with an extremely
knowledgeable presentation.
Keynotes by TheRt Hon The Lord Deben
and Dr KandehK. Yumkella.
Lord Deben is Chairman of the UK
Government’s Committee on Climate
Change and his keynote focused on
how energy represents a continuous
battle between absolutism and
diversity and that 66 states are now
dealing with climate change in a
serious manner.
Dr KandehK. Yumkella the Director
General of the United Nations
initiative Sustainable Energy for
All (SE4ALL) delivered a rousing
keynote speech at the Forum Opening.
Speaking about the urgent need to
address the crises brought on by a
lack of access to modern energy by
approximately three billion people
today, LPGas, pointed out Dr
Yumkella, is one of the best
possible solutions available to
address this development challenges.
Dr Yumkella and WLPGA President
Kimball Chen signed a letter of
intent to cooperate between SE4ALL
and WLPGA. The letter acknowledged
that both institutions are committed
to contribute their efforts to end
both the daily degradation of the
health and safety of billions of
people and to use their respective
resources as part of a global
multi-stakeholder partnership to
produce the systemic changes
necessary to support the growth of
LPGas markets and the delivery of
clean LPGas to one billion people in
developing countries by 2030.
Global Technology Conference
The event also incorporated the
Global Technology Conference (GTC).
Over 300 delegates attended GTC
during the opening session of the
World Forum. David Tyler, WLPGA
Director, welcomed the audience and
explained the background to GTC and
how the ten papers being presented
at GTC London were screened from 22
abstracts submitted from 15
A Wide Range of Sessions and Panels
Other sessions focussed on UK
markets, the impact of LPGas on a
worldwide scale, an Autogas
roundtable and a specific session on
LPGas in Africa ensuring that
delegates had the opportunity to see
at first hand the impact of LPGas
Following the success of London we
turn our attention to Genoa where
the 2014 AEGPL Congress will be held
in 14-15 May and Miami where the
27th World LP Gas Forum & 29th AIGLP
Conference will take place in Miami,
28-30 October 2014.
(www.aegpl2014.com &
Conference "Industrial Gases -
Conference update: February 1 - 2, 2011.
Venue: Kuwait Foundation for the
Advancement of Sciences hall.
Exhibition Company "Mir-Expo"
Powered by Moscow Chamber of
Commerce & Industry
» AL-
Qura Group Company (Kuwait)
Powered by the Prime Minister of
Kuwait, Ministry of oil, Kuwait
Chamber of & Industry
Gas business in Kuwait and Middle
Building and operation of plants to
produce industrial gases
Liquified natural gas and industrial
gases storage and transportation
Systems and industrial plants for
separation of air; nitrogen and
oxygen stations
Energy saving in the manufacture of
industrial gases
Gas purification technologies
Usage of cryogenic engineering
experience in oil and gas production
and refining
Liquified natural gas refining
Safety techniques and certification
in the manufacture and consumption
of natural gas
at the 33rd AIIGMA conference in
Conference update: January, 19 –
21, 2011
Venue: Malaysia, Kuala-Lumpur
The organizer: AIIGMA
Information on activity:
On January, 19 - 21st 2011 the
Exhibition Company "Mir-Expo" took
part at the 33rd AIIGMA conference
in Kuala-Lumpur (Malaysia).
During the conference the Director
of the Exhibition Company "Mir-Expo"
and the Executive Director of
Russian IGMA Bannikov V.A. presented
the information about the 10th
International Specialized Exhibition
Cryogen-Expo and about the
International Conferences
"Industrial Gases" held in Libya and
in Moscow to the participants of the
conference and also told them about
the activity of Russian IGMA.
The conference was very well
organized. Warm friendly atmosphere
as well as interesting business and
cultural program favoured the
fruitful work. The detailed report
about the conference you can see on
the website of the organizer:
During the conference the agreements
about the cooperation of AIIGMA and
CIGIA with the Exhibition Company
"Mir-Expo" and Russian IGMA have
been achieved. The companies will
exchange delegations for
participation in the events on
industrial gases and will give each
other information support.
Event photos:
23rd World Lp Gas Forum, the 2010
AEGPL Congress and the 25th AIGLP
AIGLP CONFERENCE exhibitors and
visitors as it brings together the
best aspects of the AEGPL Annual
congress and the World LP Gas Forum.
In essence, it is two annual events
into one exceptional LP Gas
conference and exhibition.
The World LP Gas Forum is the
premier annual global event for the
LP Gas industry. It travels the
globe annually attracting key
international agencies, policy
makers, media and the highest level
of industry leaders to explore the
LP Gas business, discuss its growth
potential and to forge new business
The AEGPL Congress is the LPG event
of the year for the European
industry as a whole.
Drawing key industry leaders and
experts both from Europe and
worldwide, the AEGPL Congress is an
exceptional forum to discuss and
debate the role of LPG in Europe.
World Congress Alternative Energy
and Ecology WCAEE-2010, dedicated to
the memory of the great Russian
scientist D. I. Mendeleev
August 9-11, 2010
Venue: "Baltiets" Hotel, Repino
health resort settlement, Leningrad
region, Russia
Congress organizers: RAS,
International Association for
Hydrogen Energy, STC "TATA and
"Hydrogen and Renewable Sources of
Energy" Conference, "Safety and
Economy of Hydrogen Transport"
Symposium and some other actions are
being run. Fulbright session and
round table discussion will be held
in the course of the Congress
Industrial Gases - East meets West
A deeper understanding of the needs
in Eastern Europe
Conference update: 21-21, May, 2010
Venue: RUS Hotel, Kiev, Ukraine
The Organizer: GasWorld.com Ltd.
Regarded as one of the most
promising industrial gas markets in
the world, the vast geography of
Eastern Europe is plentiful in
natural resources.
This gasworld Conference will offer
you an insight into the existing
business demands and opportunities
in Eastern Europe, a region which is
sure to experience rapid expansion
in the coming years. With wealthy
reserves of iron ore, nickel ore,
oil and gas, and many other assets,
the region offers great opportunity
for the industrial gas community.
Such prospects are compounded by a
need to modernise. Economic
transformation has driven the region
forward, yet ageing equipment
remains and the need exists to
implement modern, energy-efficient
Topics of discussion include:
Doing business in Ukraine and Russia
Hydrogen Packaged Production
Technical & Safety Standards -
Europe vs. Ghost
Developments in Turbo- Expander and
Pump Technologies
The historical development of
Industrial Gases in Eastern Europe
Strategies for Upgrading Cylinder
Maximising payload of Bulk Liquids
Cylinder Testing Methods
Information Report on the activity
The Conference
“Eastern Europe Conference 2010.
Industrial Gases: East meets West. A
deeper understanding of the needs of
Eastern Europe” was hold In Kiev,
21-21 of May. This highly
appreciated event was organized by
“Gasworld.com Ltd”. Vladimir A.
Bannikov, general manager of the JSC
Exhibition Company “Mir-Expo”, has
taken part in the conference as a
chairman of the second session.
The conference has provided a
plethora of thought-provoking
presentations which explored the
trends, dynamics, challenges and
above all, potential of the Eastern
Europe industrial gas business.
With more than 120 delegates, of
which around 45% were natives of the
region, the conference has also
achieved its fundamental objective –
to unite the East and West points of
the global industrial gas compass.
The participants of the conference
had the opportunity to listen to
these reports:
1. Holger Muent – EBRD:
“Understanding the Investment
Climate in E Europe”.
2. Lars Timner – Consultant: “The
historical development of industrial
gases in EE”.
3. John Raquet – Spiritus Group:
“The current day market and treds”.
4. Daniel Gembet – Spiritus / AA
Green: “Make V Buy – the Argument
for outsorcing”
5. Andrey Medinskiy – Dary prirody:
“Doing business in Ukraine and
6. Andy webb – EIGA: “Technical and
Safety Standards – Europe V
7. Igor Voronin – Technex:
“Professional support of industrial
gases logistics & ASP project
8. Iain Alexander Russell – Hydrogen
Technologies: “Hydrogen Production
Electrolyser Units.
9. Henrik Lynne – Union Engineering:
“Carbon Dioxide Production
10. Jessica Hoffman – ACD (Cryogenic
Industries): “Developments in
Turbo-expander and Pump Technology”
11. Hannes Rucker – CryoGo:
“Muximising payload of bulk liquids”
12. Roland Wagner – Chart Ferox:
“Flow Meters for Bulk Tanker
13. Laurent Reichenshammer –
Cryostar: “Pump technology for bulk
14. Bruce Holman – Rexarc:
“Acetilene production / Filling
15. Andrey Ruban – Worthington
Cylinders: “Strategies for Upgrading
Cylinder Assets”
16. Leon Kaelin – Swiss TS:
“Cylinder Testing Methods”
17. Hector Villarreal - Weldcoa:
“Automated cylinder filling
Mutual benefit
It was a concept executed extremely
well, as key figures from throughout
the global gases business came
together here in Kiev, Ukraine for
the benefit of the region’s
flourishing gases scene.
A wealth of opportunities to meet
and converse, coupled with strong
promotional booth interaction and an
insightful, progressive agenda of
presentations, has ensured the event
was mutually beneficial for all.
After the success and perspicacity
of Day One, delegates and speakers
alike gathered early this morning
for the enterprise and elucidation
of Day Two at the Rus Hotel.
Technex’s Igor Voronin, Chairman of
Session 4, opened proceeding’s with
a smile and said, “I hope everyone
is enjoying their stay in Kiev and
this will remain in your memory as a
good stay in our country."
Photo report:
International Congress on
in Cryopreservation of Stem Cells,
Cells, Tissue and Organs (CRYO)
Exhibition update: April 22-25,
Venue: Palacio de Congresos,
Valencia, Spain.
The official representative of
organizer: Exhibition Company "Mir-Expo".
The Congress is aimed to stem
controversies from the fact that
current congresses fail to promote
true clinical discussion between
practicing physicians and
researchers on unresolved pressing
issues. The purpose of the
Cryopreservation of Stem cells,
Reproductive Cells, Tissue and
Organs Congress is to disseminate
information in our field by debating
the multiple controversial issues
and reaching consensus when
Cryogenics 2010 IIR International
Conference and exhibition
Exhibition update: April 26-29,
Venue: Conference centre Suza,
Bratislava, Slovakia.
The organizer: Icaris Conference
The official representative of
organizer: Exhibition Company
General Subjects:
Helium cryogenics
Superconductivity and cryogenic
Liquefaction and separation of
industrial gases and natural gas
Application of industrial gases in
industry, medicine and biology
Business program:
The International exhibition "CRYOMARKET
2010 Exhibition" is being run during
the conference.
23rd World Lp Gas Forum, the 2010
AEGPL Congress and the 25th AIGLP
AIGLP CONFERENCE exhibitors and
visitors as it brings together the
best aspects of the AEGPL Annual
congress and the World LP Gas Forum.
In essence, it is two annual events
into one exceptional LP Gas
conference and exhibition.
The World LP Gas Forum is the
premier annual global event for the
LP Gas industry. It travels the
globe annually attracting key
international agencies, policy
makers, media and the highest level
of industry leaders to explore the
LP Gas business, discuss its growth
potential and to forge new business
The AEGPL Congress is the LPG event
of the year for the European
industry as a whole.
Drawing key industry leaders and
experts both from Europe and
worldwide, the AEGPL Congress is an
exceptional forum to discuss and
debate the role of LPG in Europe.