Under the auspices of:
International Institute of Refrigeration, International Academy of Refrigeration, Ukrainian Association of Industrial Gases Manufacturers “UA-SIGMA”.
GasWorld, the main publishing
houses and technical magazines.
of the Cryogen-Expo – 2012 exhibition:
Mir-Expo Exhibition company held the 11th
international specialized exhibition Cryogen-Expo on
November 6-8 in Expocentre Fairgrounds, Moscow.
This year the exposition occupied 2500 sq.m,
77 companies from 16 countries of the world presented the
modern cryogenic equipment, technologies of industrial gases
production and transportation and the related services.
Traditionally the industry leaders participated in the trade
fair: Chart Ferox (Check Republic), Taylor-Wharton
(Slovakia), VRV Group (Italy), Siad Rus (Russia), Tecno
Project Industriale (Italy), Premium Engineering (Russia) in
cooperation with Red Mountain Energy (USA), Cryogenmash
(Russia), Linde engineering (Germany), Air Liquide (Russia),
Krion (Belarus), TEGAS Industrial Group (Russia),
Uralcryomash (Russia). At the same time the exhibitors list
was complemented with the new names: Showa Kankyo System
(Japan) in cooperation with Japan Machinery Company (Japan),
Air Products (USA), Bestobell (Great Britain), CryoService
(Italy), Cryonorm (the Netherlands), Wessington Cryogenics
(Great Britain), Stels (Russia), TGE Gas Engineering
(Germany), etc.
Cryogen-Expo also has demonstrated special
valves and fittings direction development. This section was
represented by some new exhibitors. Bestobell designs and
manufactures cryogenic valves for liquefied gases, including
oxygen, carbon dioxide, nitrogen, LNG and argon. During the
exhibition managers of the company held successful
negotiations on setting up the representative office in
Russia, that is very important for their business progress.
Annex LPG company is the general dealer of Cavagna Group
(Italy), which is the world leading manufacturer of the
equipment and fittings for liquefied and compressed gases,
gas storage and control.
Tank equipment for fluid and gas media,
transport tanks, cryogenic tanks and vessels,
small-displacement vessels, Dewars were demonstrated by VRV
Group, Wessington Cryogenics, IzhCryoTechnique, Cryolor,
CryoService, Taylor-Wharton and others.
Exhibition special section Industrial Gases
has been developing annually. Industrial, medicine and rare
gases producers offer actively their production within its
frames: Siad, Air Liquide, Air Products, Linde, Krion,
Cryogen firm, Argon.
NPO Monitoring company offered visitors the complete range
of works for providing manufacturings with the industrial
Convince company represented gas separation plants Oxymat,
compressors, refrigeration dryers and adsorption type,
chillers, oxygen generators and nitrogen generators at its
Showa Kankyo System representatives
demonstrated the vacuum swing adsorption type oxygen
generators and water treatment equipment.
Russian plant Cryogenmash, the leading company
in Russia on air separation equipment production, offered
the attendees membrane gas separation plants, pressure swing
adsorption plants, cryogenic pipelines, turboexpanders,
equipment for rare gases production, etc.
There is a trend of all-inclusive services for
the clients. That’s why a lot of exhibitors afford turnkey
projects on industrial gases production: Red Mountain
Energy, Air Liquide, TGE Gas Engineering.
The advanced hydrogen technologies were
presented by the industry leaders: Nel Hydrogen, CETH2,
Teledyne Energy Systems, Cryogenmash and Linde Group.
Cryogen-Expo business program has developed
significantly. This year conference day had been lasting all
the working day of the exhibition. The listeners got the
unique opportunity of attending three international
conferences: “Cryogenic Technologies and Equipment.
Prospects of Development”, “Industrial Gases” and “Liquefied
Natural Gas”. Specialists of scientific research institutes
and gas related companies made the marketing presentations
and scientific reports. Among them there were: Cryogenmash,
Geliymash, Linde Group, Kislorodmontage, Iceblick, Gazprom
Gazenergoset, AvtoGazTrans and others. Traditionally the
scientist of world reputation, Aleksey Arkharov, became the
Academic adviser of the conferences.
Independent audit
check of statistic figures were fulfilled for the first time
during Cryogen-Expo exhibition. According to the experts
on the space of 2700 sq. m. there situated 74 exhibitors,
including 38 national (domestic) companies and 36 foreign
ones from 16 countries.
1697 specialists visited the exhibition during
3 days. There are the representatives of oil-refining
plants, scientific research institutes, military industrial
sector, metallurgy companies, chemical industry,
microelectronics producers and others.
As reported by the independent external
auditor, 1760 specialists visited the exhibition during 3
days. There are the representatives of oil-refining plants,
scientific research institutes, military industrial sector,
metallurgy companies, chemical industry, microelectronics
producers and others.
According to the most exhibitors and visitors,
Cryogen-Expo is extremely important event in cryogenic and
gas industry. Being the unique trade fair in Europe on this
theme, it demonstrates the level of cryogenic technologies
and industrial gases sphere development, contributes to
relationship between long-standing partners and establishing
new fruitful contacts.
The next edition of Cryogen-Expo will be held
on November 27-29, 2013 in pavilion 5, Expocentre
Fairgrounds, Moscow.
of the Participants of the
"Cryogen-Expo - 2012" Exhibition:
UA-SIGMA, Ukrainian
Association of Industrial Gases
Manufacturers, Odessa, Ukraine
Rodyushkina, sales assistant, CETH2
Thank you for the organizing job. According to the results
of this year, we can say that our company switched from the
numerical composition of visitors to the quantitative one.
And this fact satisfies us.
Tkachuk, marketing manager, Cryomash – BZKM
The exhibition is organized at the high level. The general
information, conditionals were given promptly. The exhibitor
composition is diversified and wide. But we would like to
advise the broadening of the exhibition theme with the
related fields, for example, chemical-engineering operations
and chemical engineering.
Lyudkovskiy, sales manager, Red Mountain Energy
Technical support of exhibitors and exhibition work
organizing are at the high level. Mir-Expo’s specialists are
oriented to the assistance and support of the exhibitors. We
are thankful so much for the comfortable working conditions
at the exhibition, which gave pleasure and really positive
feeling. Our success was created by your efforts as well.
Business program within the
International Conference «Cryogenic
Technologies and Equipment.
Prospects of Development»
Date: November 7,
The conference is
chaired by Aleksey M. Arkharov, the
famous Russian scientist, the
Chairman of the Organizing Committee
of the «Cryogen-Expo» exhibition,
Doctor of Technique, professor, head
of E-4 department of the BMSTU, the
honorary member of the International
Institute of Refrigeration, the
laureate of the state awards.
The experience of "Cryogenmash" in
development of large-scale ASU
ÊäÀð-30 on "turn-key" basis.,
D.N. Shipov,
JSC “Cryogenmash”, Balashikha,
Moscow region, Russia
"NPO" Geliymash "to create new
cryogenic equipment,
O.M. Popov,
JSC "NPO" Geliymash», Moscow, Russia
Recent developments in air
separation technolgy of Linde
Dimitri Goloubev,
The Linde Group, Linde Engineering
Division, Germany
About the value of “Energy losses”
and estimation of thermodynamic
efficiency of heat pumps,
A.M. Arkharov, V.V. Sychev, I.A.
Bauman MSTU, Moscow, Russia
Linde's Air Separation Plants - Row
of packaged plants and references in
CIS countries,
S. Schumann, Project Manager Sales
Air Separation Plants,
Linde Engineering Dresden GmbH,
Dresden, Germany
Construction and comparative
analysis of efficiency of schematic
block diagrams of refrigeration and
liquefaction installations of nitric
cryogenic system of a nuclear power
A.I. Smorodin 1, V.V. Red`kin2, A.A.
Korobkov 2, O.V. Kemaev 2,
1) MSTU named after N.E. Bauman,
Russia, Moscow,
2) Interregional Social Foundation
"Institute of Engineering Physics",
Serpukhov Moscow region, Russia
The study of flexible
capillary-porous coverage in local
R.O. Kondratenko*, A.V. Butorina**,
S.B. Nesterov *,
*Vekshinski State Research Institute
of Vacuum Technology, Moscow, Russia,
**Russian State Medical University,
Moscow, Russia
Superheatings of cryogenic liquids:
causes, hazards, means of prevention,
V.G.Baidakov1, A.M.Kaverin1,
A.O.Maksimov2, A.S.Pankov1,
1The Institute of Thermophysics of
the Ural Branch of the Russian
Academy of Sciences., Ekaterinburg,
2Pacific Oceanological Institute Far
Eastern Branch of the Russian
Academy of Sciences, Vladivostok,
Obtaining of vapor-gas mixture in
bubble device process modeling,
N.A. Lavrov,
BMSTU, Moscow, Russia
Development of design and
prototyping of low-temperature heat
stabilizers mobile,
E.S. Korshikov, A.S. Drobyshev,
"Scientific Research Institute of
Experimental and Theoretical
Physics" Kazakh National University.
Al-Farabi, Almaty, Kazakhstan
Standardization and certification of
the liquid nitrogen
gasificator"Scientific Research
Institute of Experimental and
Theoretical Physics",
A.K. Shinbayeva, A.S. Drobyshev,
Kazakh National University. Al-Farabi,
Almaty, Kazakhstan
New national standard GOST R
54892-2012 «Assembling air
separation plants and other
cryogenic equipmemt. General
provisions »,
S.N. Tyukulmin, General Director;
V.A. Dubovsky, Technical Director;
V.A. Vlasyuk, Chief Technical
ZAO “Kislorodmontazh”, Moscow,
International Conference «Industrial
Date: November 7,
JSC "NPO" Geliymash ", as a part of
the helium industry in Russia,
V.N. Udut, General director of JSC "NPO"
JSC "NPO" Geliymash ", Moscow,
The results of the experiments on
extracting Helium-3 isotope of
natural helium,
V.L. Bondarenko1, A.P. Grafov 2,
1 Bauman Moscow State Technical
University, Moscow, Russia,
2 Iceblick, Ltd., 29, Pastera Str.,
65026, Odessa, Ukraine
Carbon Dioxide equipment for
producing welding gas mixtures and
stations of gasification of liquid
low-temperature CO2,
S.P. Alimov, Director of Science,
«AvtoGazTrans» Ltd., Samara, Russia
Low-pressure helium compression
systems for low temperature
R.R. Nagimov,
Bauman Moscow State Technical
University, Moscow, Russia
International Conference «LNG»
Date: November 7,
Cryomash-BZKM` technologies in the
field of working out and
manufacturing of the cryogenic
complex systems, particularly in the
field of LNG,
A.V. Semenov, V.V. Semenov, I.M.
Cryomash-BZKM, LLC, Balashikha,
Moscow region, Russia
The experience in production and
operation turbine expander units in
gas distribution systems and systems
for low temperature treatment of
natural gas,
V.L. Stulov, E.V.Viktorov, G.A.
Open Corporation “NPO “Geliymash”
Moscow, Russia
JSC "Cryogenmash" equipment design
for LNG,
V.A. Peredel`sky,
JSC “Cryogenmash”, Balashikha,
Moscow region, Russia
Didier Bertrand, Key Account Manager
Small Scale Liquefaction,
Laurent Reichenshammer, Sales
Manager Distribution Pumps, Cryostar,
Equipment and solutions for on-shore
LNG Supply Chain,
The rotary wave cryogenerator for
small scail liquid nature gas plant,
1 Aleksei M. Arkharov, 2 Viktor Yu. Semenov, 3 Sergei B. Malakhov,
1Bauman Moscow State Technical University, 2Bauman Moscow
State Technical University, 3Bauman Moscow State Technical
University, Moscow, Russia
Building larger LNG storage tanks
with membrane technology,
Reinhard Kirstein,
TGE Gas Engineering GmbH; Bonn –
OJSC Gazprom Gazenergoset -
implementation of the projects of
the Autonomous gasification of LNG,
Ànatoly Kim - head of Department of
branch programs
"Adaptation of master programs
to the principles of Bologna
process in Russian and CIS
universities. Project TEMPUS
PROMENG implementation"
Date: November
Venue: hall 2,
pavilion 5, Expocentre
Moscow, Russia.
BMSTUmaster's program "CRYOGENIC
the basis of the Federal State
Educational Standardand according to
Europeanengineering education,
N.A. Lavrov, V.V. Shishov,
Bauman MSTU, Moscow, Russia
MODERN TRIZ technology for
innovative industrial and university
Michael A. Orloff,
Academy of Modern TRIZ (AMTRIZ),
Berlin, Germany
Use of applied program KOMDET in
studying the course “MACHINERY OF
NIU ITMO IH&BT, Cryogenic technics
Dep., Saint-Petersburg, Russia
Common approaches to the formation
of ecological competence of masters
of engineering and technology in
Bauman MSTU ininternational project
TEMPUS PROMÅNG, E.N. Simakova; Dr., E.S. Navasardyan,
Bauman MSTU, Moscow, Russia
The problems of university graduates
N.A. Lavrov, V.V. Shishov,
Bauman MSTU, Moscow, Russia
The role of the "TEMPUS" inimproving
the educational processTashkent
State Technical University,
Z. Shamsievcoordinator of the TEMPUS
project «PROMENG»,
TSTU, Uzbekistan
F.M.Mamatov, Director of the Center
for Applied Research and Innovation,
Adaptation masters programs to labor
market needs,
Karshi Engineering Economic
Institute, Uzbekistan
Germany SOFT SKILLS as afactor of
competitiveness and training future
1 E.Eyngorn,2Î. Gerasimchuk, 2 N. Îleksiv,
1 Technical University of Berlin,
2 Germany National Technical
University of Lutsk, Ukraine