Cryotech, Ltd., Russia, Moscow
Cryogen-Expo - 2008 Exhibitor / November 11-13, 2008 / Pavilion 5, EXPOCENTRE Fairgrounds, Moscow, Russia
8, 2nd Ambulatorniy drive, Moscow, Russia, 125315
Tel./fax: +7 495 229-46-93
E-mail: info@cryotech.ru
Website: www.cryotech.ru
Information of the Exhibitor:
Cryotech Ltd. specializes in the field of industrial gases production (oxygen, nitrogen, argon, carbon dioxide, helium).
The company's main areas of business are:
- development of project documentation for construction and reconstruction of industrial gases production facilities;
- expertise of industrial equipment safety and project documentation
- construction, installation, adjustment works
- delivery of air-fractioning and compressor equipment
- maintenance, modernization, major overhaul of cryogenic and compressor equipment
Our company has acquired great experience in performing the works, mentioned above, on average efficiency equipment. Among our clients are chemical, oil-and-gas, engineering and other factories and plants.
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Need more information?
Please call us: +7 (495) 137-78-25, +7 800 333-78-25, or e-mail us: info@cryogen-expo.com.
Contact persons: