Air Liquide, OOO, Moscow, Russia
Country: Russia
Address: 17 Vorontsovskaya Str., Moscow, 109147
Telephone: +7 (495) 641-28-98
Fax: +7 (495) 641-28-91
E-mail: info.moscow@airliquide.com
Website: www.airliquide.ru
Information of the Exhibitor:
Air Liquide (France) is the world leader in industrial and medical gases and related services:
- Engineering and manufacturing of air separation units- ASUs (O2,N2,H2,Ar,Ne,He,Kr,Xe…), using different technologies (cryogenic, adsorption, membranous)
- The possibility to regulate purity and flow rate depending on customer needs.
- Gas sales including "On-Site": Air Liquide installs an ASU on the site of a customer for the long-term period and takes responsibilities on its technical support. Under such conditions there is no need to buy your own ASU, client pays only for industrial gases
Air Liquide has a huge experience in engineering and in exploitation of its own ASUs, which is taken into account in equipment elaboration for our customers from various industries.
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