ARMTORG.RU - Bulletin of the valve manufacturer, Barnaul,
Exhibitor of 16th Cryogen-Expo. Industrial Gases - 2017 Exhibition
October 31 - November 2, 2017 / Pavilion 5, Expocentre Fairgrounds,
Moscow, Russia
Exhibitor information:
A "announcer of арматуростроителя" is the
specialized magazine about a pipeline armature. We work with
the leading producers of pipeline armature, engineering
systems and equipment, applied in petroleum, chemical,
atomic and other industries of industry, and also with
project institutes, exhibition companies and end-user. On
the pages " of Announcer" the technical and analytical
articles of specialists of industry, interview, reviews of
measures and novelties of арматуростроения, are published.
Edition has printed and electronic to the version.
Armtorg.ru is the specialized portal about a pipeline armature.
Here you will find the latest news, and also interview with the first persons of
industry and exclusive videoreporting from the Russian and foreign plants. In
addition, on the portal of Armtorg.ru is created terms for the commonunication
of specialists. On Forum you can get consultation for the employees of plants,
to specify necessary info.
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