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22nd International Specialized Exhibition Cryogen-Expo. Industrial Gases / September, 2025 / Moscow, Russia






International Institute of Refrigeration International Academy of Refrigeration

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office 5/1, house 118 building 1, Varshavskoe shosse, Moscow, Russia
Ph.: +7(495)137-7825, +7(800)333-7825
Exhibitions in Moscow

Heat Treatment: exhibition on heat treatment equipment and technologies, Moscow, Russia

Archive / Exhibitors / 16th Cryogen-Expo. Industrial Gases - 2017

Cryogen, Ryazan Oxygen Plant, Ryazan, Russia

Exhibitor of 16th Cryogen-Expo. Industrial Gases - 2017 Exhibition

October 31 - November 2, 2017 / Pavilion 5, Expocentre Fairgrounds, Moscow, Russia

Exhibitor information:

Ryazan Cryogenic Oxygen Plant "Cryogen" - a regional leader in cryogenic products, industrial, medical and food gases supplies. The main products are the highest quality oxygen and nitrogen.

We produce:
- liquid and gaseous oxygen (industrial, medical, food, laser); - liquid and gaseous nitrogen (industrial, food, laser); - carbon dioxide (industrial, food); - gaseous argon (industrial)
- gas mixtures (welding, food)

We supply:
- helium, acetylene, propane, hydrogen; - related products

Our services:
- gaseous oxygen and nitrogen turnkey provision, along with placing cryogenic equipment for cryogenic liquids gasification on customer's area
- technical inspection of cylinders, dangerous goods delivery, maintenance and repair of cryogenic equipment
- cylinder bundles, pallets and guards manufacturing.

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