Yixing JRN Cryogenic Technology Co. Ltd / China
Exhibitor of 21th Cryogen-Expo. Industrial Gases - 2024 Exhibition
September 17 - 19, 2024 / Hall 5, Pavilion 2, Expocentre Fairgrounds,
Moscow, Russia
Exhibitor information:
Yixing Jiaren Cryogenics Co., Ltd. is located in Yixing
Zhoutie Town NationalMachinery and Equipment Industry Base
Park, the company closely around the“lowtemperature
liquefaction and separation technology, high-efficiency heat
andmasstransfer technology” as the core, environmental
protection, high efficiency,energysaving and emission
reduction, system optimization and integration of the
threemajor directions, the formation of their own
characteristics of the product.The company is mainly engaged
in the development, design, manufacture and technicalservice
of large-scale aluminum plate-fin heat exchangers, and its
core productsarealuminum plate-fin heat exchangers.
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