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22nd International Specialized Exhibition Cryogen-Expo. Industrial Gases / September, 2025 / Moscow, Russia
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INDUSTRIAL GASES - International conference / information

Industrial Gases - International conference, March 11, 2009, Conference hall of the BMSTU, Moscow, Russia

Date: March 11, 2009.

Venue: Conference hall of the BMSTU, Moscow, Russia.

Organizers: Moscow State Technical University named N. E. Bauman, Exhibition Company "Mir-Expo".

Under the auspices of: International Institute of Refrigeration (IIR), International Academy of Refrigeration.

Information partners: International magazine "GasWorld", Technical-research and industrial magazine "Technical Gases".

Conference Activity Report:

The First International Scientific Conference “Industrial Gases” was held on March 11, 2009 at the Bauman Moscow State Technical University (Bauman MSTU) in Moscow. The Conference was dedicated to the centenary of the First Congress of Russian specialists in refrigeration.

The Conference was organized by the “Refrigeration and Cryogenic Engineering. Systems of the Air Conditioning and Life Support” Department (E4) of the Bauman MSTU and the Exhibition Company "Mir-Expo".

The Organizing Committee of the Conference was headed by Professor A.M. Arkharov (the Head of Department E4 of the Bauman MSTU) and Doctor Vaclav Chrz (the President of Commission A2 of the International Institute of Refrigeration).

The event was carried out under the auspices of the International Institute of Refrigeration (IIR, France). Doctor Chrz presented a review on the activity of the IIR and made it on behalf of the IIR Director Didier Coulomb.

The Conference was opened by Deputy Principal on International Relations, Professor G.P. Pavlikhin. He greeted the participants of the Conference on behalf of the Rector of the BMSTU, Academician of the Russian Academy of Science I.B. Fedorov.

About 70 Russian and foreign scientists and experts, students and postgraduates of the Russian and Ukrainian institutes of higher education, as well as the following scientific production enterprises: "NPO “Geliymash", Cryogenmash, Chromium Ltd., Iceblick Ltd., Chart Ferox, a.s., Odessa State Academy of Refrigeration, St. Petersburg State University of Low Temperatures and Food Technologies, "Akela-N", the Russian State Medical University (RSMU), FKP NIFs RKP, Krasnodarkraygaz Ltd., etc took part in the Conference.

There were 19 reports made during the Conference. The main topics of the scientific forum were the manufacture, storage and transportation of the industrial gases, processing of the gas condensate, the use of the industrial gases in medicine and sports, the acquisition of the new scientific documentation concerning the properties of the working fluids applied to the low-temperature systems.

The International Scientific Conference “Industrial Gases” has given an opportunity to hold a fruitful discussion on the question of the further development of gas technologies and the modernization of the manufacture on the basis of the introduction of the engineering innovations.

The Second Conference “Industrial Gases” is planned to be run in March 2011.

Conference Program:

  • Welcoming Speech - I. B. Fedorov, Rector of the Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences
  • Activity of The International Institute of Refrigeration and 100 years of refrigeration - Dr. Vaclav Chrz
  • On the Problem of Cold Accumulation as a Method of Energy Savings and Energy Consumption Optimization - A. M. Arkharov, A. I. Leontyev, I. A. Arkharov, V. V. Sychev, E. N. Kryzhanovskaya, P. V. Kustov; Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Moscow, Russia
  • Experimental Study of Separation Processes in Packed Columns - V.L. Bondarenko 1, T.V. Diachenko 2, O.V. Diachenko 2, Yu.M. Simonenko 3; 1Bauman MSTU, Moscow, Russia; 2Odessa State Academy of Refrigeration, Odessa, Ukraine ; 3ICEBLICK Ltd, Odessa, Ukraine
  • Study of the Vapor-Liquid Equilibrium of Mixtures in the Field of the Dilute Solutions - A. M. Arkharov, M. Yu. Savinov, V. E. Poznyak, M. Yu. Kolpakov; Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Moscow, Russia, (2)Chromium Ltd., Ivankovo village, Vladimir Region, Russia
  • Study of Neon Solubility in the Liquid Nitrogen - 1V.L. Bondarenko, 2A.V. Trotsenko, 2A.V. Valiakina; 1Moscow Bauman State Technical University, Moscow, Russia, 2Odessa State Academy of Refrigeration, Odessa, Ukraine
  • Creation and Investigation of High Efficient Domestic Industrial Generator of Ozone for Different Branches of Industry - A. I. Smorodin, A. M. Arkharov, Yu. V. Gorbatskiy - Bauman MSTU, Moscow, Russia
  • Industrial Gases Used in Medicine and Sports - A.V. Butorina, V. A. Matveev, A. M. Arkharov; Russian State Medical University, Moscow, Russia; Bauman MSTU, Moscow, Russia
  • Application of Xenon in Medicine - V. N. Potapov, I. P. Kolesova - "Akela-N", Open JSC, Khimki, Moscow Region, Russia
  • Hartmann-Shprenger Effect in the Installation of Preliminary Purifying of a Neon-Helium Mixture - 1V. L. Bondarenko, 2S. A. Koshevoy, 2S. I. Gridnev; 1Bauman MSTU, Moscow, Russia; 2ICEBLICK Ltd, Odessa, Ukraine
  • The System of Aggressive Gases and Hydrogen Purifying - A. L. Gusev - Scientific and Technical Centre "TATA", Sarov, Nizhniy Novgorod Region, Russia
  • Efficiency and Reliability of Production and Maintenance of Vacuum in Large-Scale Space Systems - V. I. Kupriyanov, A. L. Gusev - Scientific and Technical Centre "TATA", Sarov, Nizhniy Novgorod Region, Russia
  • Formation of the World Helium Center in East Areas of the Russian Federation - V. N. Udut, V. I. Fedotov; "NPO "Geliymash" JSC, Moscow, Russia
  • Economical Analyzis of Providing Small Customers with Liquefied Industrial Gases - Vaclav Chrz, Tomas Knobloch, Chart Ferox, a.s., Decin, Czech Republic
  • Experience in Creation and Exploitation of Industrial Equipment to Produce Liquid Hydrogen - G.G. Saydov, N.A.Afanasiev, B.V.Gavrikov, A.P. Matveev; FKP NITs RKP, Sergiev Posad, Moscow Region, Russia
  • Light Gas Condensate Processing Operations under Gas Field Conditions - A. A. Loyko, N. N. Ivanovsky, E. P. Novakovsky; Krasnodarkraygas OJSC, Krasnodar, Russia
  • Role of LNG in the Energy Mix - Vaclav Chrz, Chart Ferox, a.s., Decin, Czech Republic
  • The Rectification Technology of Obtaining the Superpure Cryogenic Products - Borzenko E. I., Akulov L. A., Zaitsev A. V. - St. Petersburg State University of Refrigeration and Food Engineering, St. Petersburg, Russia
  • Investigation of Equilibrium Absorption of Inert Gases in Water-Emulsion Solvents in Dependence of Their Fat Content - I. A. Arkharov, A. A. Aleksandrov, A. V. Potapov - "Refrigeration and Cryogenic Engineering. Systems of the Air Conditioning and Life Support" Department, Bauman MSTU, Moscow, Russia
  • Poster Session: Selection of Optimal Regeneration Temperature of Absorbers for Purifying Nå-He Mixtures - 1V. L. Bondarenko, 2S. Yu. Vigurginskaya, 3M. Yu. Merkulov; 1Bauman MSTU, Moscow, Russia; 2Odessa State Academy of Refrigeration, Odessa, Ukraine; 3IceBlick Ltd, Odessa, Ukraine
  • Publication: Creation, Investigation and Innovation of the Axial Expander Provided with Magnetic Bearings and Intended for Natural Gas (Yamal, Yamburg, Shtokman) - K. K. Sokolov, V. A. Khetagurov - Turbokholod JSC, Moscow, Russia

Conference Subjects:

  • Air separation units;
  • Thermodynamic and thermo physical properties of gases and mixtures;
  • Gas purification technologies;
  • Nitrogen and oxygen stations;
  • Carbon monoxide and dioxide producing units;
  • Hydrogen producing technologies;
  • Helium and rare gases;
  • Energy-efficient technologies for industrial gases production;
  • Industrial gases distribution technologies;
  • Economical efficiency of providing customers with industrial gases.

Simultaneous interpretation system (Russian / English) there will be provided in the Conference-hall.

Conference Photo Report:

Project manager of the conference:

Larisa V. Utochkina.

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