Cryogenic Technique Scientific and technical complex Ltd, Omsk, Russia
Cryogen-Expo - 2009 Exhibitor / November 10-12, 2009 / Pavilion 6, EXPOCENTRE Fairgrounds, Moscow, Russia
Country: Russia
Address: 644105, Omsk, 22 Parts'ezda, 97, k.1
Telephone: (3812)26-47-40, 26-47-48, 28-43-95
Fax: (3812)26-48-26, 61-71-43
Information of the Exhibitor:
The STC "Cryogenic Technique" performs works on researches, development, production and installation of cryogenic equipment and equipment for CNG.
- The equipment for production of the compressed nitrogen from a liquid state for supplying oil- and gas production technologies using nitrogen;
- Equipment for production, storage, transportation and gasification liquefied CNG;
- Moving car gas filling (MCGF) and methane-filling compressor stations (for filling MCGF and automobile cylinders) for CNG;
- Cryogenic storage equipment for storage, transportation and gasification liquefied nitrogen, oxygen and argon;
- The cryogenic pipelines with jacket on a basis gas filled or vacuum isolation for liquid nitrogen, oxygen, argon and CNG;
- Shut-off adjustable and safety fitting for gases and liquids, including cryogenic fittings;
Production realization is carried out through the STC "Cryogenic Technique", Ltd and the trading company "Sibcryomarket", Ltd.
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