Linde AG, Gas and Engineering, Germany
Cryogen-Expo - 2009 Exhibitor / November 10-12, 2009 / Pavilion 6, EXPOCENTRE Fairgrounds, Moscow, Russia
Country: Germany
Address: D-82049 Pullach, Dr.-Carl-von-Linde-Str. 6-14
Moscow office: 115114 Moscow, 10/2 Lenikovskaya St.
Telephone: (+49-89) 7445-0, (+49-351) 2503-0, (+49-89) 7445-2710,
(+49-351) 250-3255, (+7-495) 9871223
Fax: (+49-89) 7445-4908, (+49-89) 7445-4931, (+49-351) 250-4918, (+7-495) 9871224
E-mail: info@linde.com, info@linde-le.com, info@linde-lg.com, info@linde-kca.com, mo-info@ru.aga.com
Website: www.linde.com, www.linde-kca.com, www.linde-gas.ru
Information of the Exhibitor:
LINDE is an international technology group which occupies the leading market position in business segment GAS and ENGINEERING. With 52,000 employees worldwide Linde achieved an annual turnover of around 12.7 billion EUR in the 2008 fiscal year.
LINDE ENGINEERING DIVISION specialized on technologies for processing and treatment of industrial gases providing all services from design until commissioning of turn-key plants.
LINDE GAS, JSC OOO Linde Gas Rus supports customers with industrial and medical gases, applications know-how, extensive services and the hardware needed to become more profitable, efficient and environmentally friendly. The company offers products that cover a vast range of applications in industry, medicine, environmental protection and research and development.
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Please call us: +7 (495) 137-78-25, +7 800 333-78-25, or e-mail us: info@cryogen-expo.com.
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