Refrigeration Business, magazine, Moscow, Russia
Country: Russia
Address: 127422, Kostyakova str., 12, off. 53-54
Telephone: +7 (495) 976-90-01
Fax: +7 (495) 639-53-00
E-mail: refrigeration@holod-delo.ru
Website: www.holod-delo.ru
Information of the Exhibitor:
Kholodilny (Refrigeration) Business is a monthly magazine published since 1996.
The subscribers of the magazine are CEO, commercial directors, top managers and senior engineers (i.e. those who are responsible for decisions) at refrigeration and engineering companies in Russia, Ukraine, Belarus and Kazakhstan, whose activities are connected with the manufacturing, supply, installation and maintenance of low-temperature and other technological equipment used in the trade, agriculture, warehousing, transportation; manufacturers and distributors of frozen food and ice cream; industry associations, research and educational institutions.
In addition to subscription and targeted mailing, magazine is widely distributed at industry-specific trade shows, conferences and workshops.
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