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22nd International Specialized Exhibition Cryogen-Expo. Industrial Gases / September, 2025 / Moscow, Russia






International Institute of Refrigeration International Academy of Refrigeration

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office 5/1, house 118 building 1, Varshavskoe shosse, Moscow, Russia
Ph.: +7(495)137-7825, +7(800)333-7825
Exhibitions in Moscow

Heat Treatment: exhibition on heat treatment equipment and technologies, Moscow, Russia

Archive / Cryogen-Expo - 2010 / Exhibitor

LINDE AG, Gas and Engineering, Engineering Division, Pullach, Germany


Country: Germany

Address: 82049 Pullach, Dr.-Carl-von-Linde-Str. 6-14

Telephone: (+49-89) 7445-0, (+49-351) 2503-0, (+49-89) 7445-2710, (+49-351) 250-3255,

within C.I.S.: (+7-495) 9871223 / 9871225

Fax: (+49-89) 7445-4908, (+49-89) 7445-4931, (+49-351) 250-4918, within C.I.S.: (+7-495) 9871224



Information of the Exhibitor:

LINDE is an international technology group which occupies the leading market position in business segment GAS and ENGINEERING. With 52,000 employees worldwide Linde achieved an annual turnover of around 11,2 billion EUR in the 2009 fiscal year. LINDE ENGINEERING DIVISION specialized on technologies for processing and treatment of industrial gases providing all services from design until commissioning of turn-key plants. LINDE GAS, JSC OOO Linde Gas Rus supports customers with industrial and medical gases, applications know-how, extensive services and the hardware needed to become more profitable, efficient and environmentally friendly. The company offers products that cover a vast range of applications in industry, medicine, environmental protection and research and development. Range of Activities: Industrial and medical Gases and Gas mixtures • Cryogenic and non-cryogenic air separation plants: • Cryogenic plants for production of Nitrogen, Oxygen, Argon, Krypton, Xenon, Neon, Helium • Adsorption plants for production of Nitrogen, Oxygen, Hydrogen, Methane, CO and Co2 • Chemical and petrochemical plants, Synthesis Gas plants, Hydrogen plants based on steam reforming, partial oxidation and gasification, Methanol plants, Ammonia plants, Gas treatment plants • Natural gas processing plants, LNG plants • Pharmaceutical plants • Furnaces petrochemical plants and refineries • Helium and Hydrogen Refrigeration until 1.8 K. Key-components: cold boxes • plant components and cold boxes • tanks for liquefied gases, • mount-coil heat exchangers and plate-fin heat exchangers • modular PSA plants. More than 5,000, plants worldwide: • more than 3,250 cryogenic air separation plants • more than 600 PSA plants.

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