TiZ-Carbogaz, Private enterprise, Lviv, Ukraine
Country: Ukraine
Address: 10/a Smal-Stotskogo St., Lviv,79015
Telephone: +380322352217
Fax: +380322352217
E-mail: Leomishalig@mail.ru
Website: www.tizkarbogaz.com.ua
Information of the Exhibitor:
Private enterprise" Tiz-Carbogaz" is specialized in producion, selling,repairing,overhauling, starting-up and adjusting carbon-dioxide and cryogenic equipment :trasport tank-lorries, stationary vertical and horizontal capasities,evaporators (gasificators), liquid pumps,home-made or foreign isolation valves, refrigerating installations, strain-gauge balance and platform truck scales for accurate weighing and consumption of output, control automatic system and remote monitoring of the technologic process,warranty and out-of-warranty service, provision of the technical paper work in the public authorities.
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