Uralcryomash, OJSC, Nizhniy Tagil, Russia
Country: Russia
Address: 24, Vostochnoe shosse, Nizhniy Tagil, Sverdlovsk region 622051
Telephone: (3435) 40-12-86
Fax: (3435) 40-12-86, 40-12-87
E-mail: cryont@mail.ru
Website: www. cryont.ru
Information of the Exhibitor:
"Uralcryomash", OJSC has 55year experience of different cryogenic equipment engineering and production.
Railway tanks for liquefied cryogenic products (argon, nitrogen, oxygen, ethylene) and non-cryogenic products (carbon dioxide, light petroleum products) transportation and storage;
Container-tanks for cryogenic products (LNG, hydrogen) and non-cryogenic products (propane-butane, chemical products) transportation and storage;
Storage tanks for cryogenic products (argon, nitrogen, oxygen, LNG, hydrogen) and non-cryogenic products (propane-butane, carbon-dioxide);
Tanks for acceptance, storage and deliverability of light petroleum products, using at fuel stations and gas filling stations;
Low-pressure gasifers;
Cryogenic pipelines.
"Uralcryomash" provides repair and technical certification of railway tanks for cryogenic and non-cryogenic products with operation life prolongation.
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