Moscow, Russia
Country: Russia
Address: 60, Dorozhnaya str., Moscow
Telephone: (495) 225 55 47
Fax: (495) 225 55 47
E-mail: info@infinity-techno.ru
Website: www.infinity-techno.ru Information of the Exhibitor:
Infinity-Techno Company is official
exclusive dealer of Zwick Armaturen GmbH in Russian
Federation. We are ready to offer triple eccentric butterfly
valves TRI-CON for severe application in oil and gas,
petrochemical, chemical industries.
General characteristics:
Triple eccentric design, metal seating, pressure classes
according ANSI 150/300/600/900 and PN 10/16/25/40/63/100,
full bi-directional shutoff as per API 598 and/or DIN EN
12266-1, temperature range from -196°C up to 815°C, size
range 2" - 72" (DN 50-1800), friction free opening and
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Need more information? Please call us: +7 (495) 137-78-25, +7 800 333-78-25, or e-mail us: info@cryogen-expo.com.