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22nd International Specialized Exhibition Cryogen-Expo. Industrial Gases / September, 2025 / Moscow, Russia






International Institute of Refrigeration International Academy of Refrigeration

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Office 507, House 7, Building 10,
Hlebozavodskiy proezd, Moscow, Russia
Phone: +7 495 988-1620
Exhibitions in Moscow

Heat Treatment: exhibition on heat treatment equipment and technologies, Moscow, Russia

Archive / Exhibitors / 17th Cryogen-Expo. Industrial Gases - 2018

KISLORODMASH LLC / Novocherkassk, Russia

Exhibitor of 17th Cryogen-Expo. Industrial Gases - 2018 Exhibition

October 30 - November 1, 2018 / Pavilion 7, Expocentre Fairgrounds, Moscow, Russia

Exhibitor information:

OOO "KISLORODMASH" RUSSIA. Manufacturer of air separation cryogenic units. The Company manufactures equipment for obtaining from atmospheric air, technical gases and liquids by the method of deep rectification. The installation, produced by LLC "KISLORODMASH" make oxygen 99.9% purity nitrogen 99.9999% purity argon of 99.9 % purity and rare gases. Line lying includes plants with a capacity of 150 kg/HR to 100,000 kg/HR of finished product separation. Lie Made for manual control and fully automated. The company provides a full range of services from design work to commissioning.Our team of professionals, which works around the World.

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