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22nd International Specialized Exhibition Cryogen-Expo. Industrial Gases / September, 2025 / Moscow, Russia






International Institute of Refrigeration International Academy of Refrigeration

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Exhibitions in Moscow

Heat Treatment: Exhibition on heat treatment equipment and technologies, Moscow, Russia

Exhibition / archive / Cryogen-Expo - 2008

The 7th International Specialized Exhibition

Time of realization: November 11-13, 2008.

Venue: Pavilion No 5, Expocentre Fairgrounds, Moscow, Russia.

Organizer: Exhibition Company "Mir-Expo".

Under the auspices of: International Institute of Refrigeration, International Academy of Refrigeration, Ukrainian Association of Industrial Gases Manufacturers “UA-SIGMA”.

Information supporting: GasWorld, the main publishing houses and technical magazines.

The main Sections of the Exhibition:

  • Cryogenic Equipment
  • Helium Equipment
  • Vacuum Equipment
  • Refrigerator, Compressor and Heat Exchanging Equipment
  • Micro-Cryo-Engineering
  • Liquid Natural Gas
  • Industrial and Rare Gases
  • Application of Cryogenic Technologies in Industry: Metallurgy and Mechanical Engineering, Food Processing, Chemistry, Agriculture, Transport, Power
  • Engineering, Oil and Gas Industry
  • Hydrogen Technologies
  • Application of Cryogenic Technologies in Medicine, Biology, Scientific and Technical Researches
  • Storage and Transportation Tanks
  • Metrology at Low Temperatures
  • Assemblers, Auxiliary Equipment, Control Systems and Software
  • Rescue and Emergency Equipment
  • Certification, Regulations and Standardization
  • Education and Networks

Information Report on the activity at the 7th International Specialized Exhibition "Cryogen-Expo - 2008":

The regular 7th International Specialized Exhibition “Cryogen-Expo” was successfully carried on November 11-13, 2008 at the EXPOCENTRE Fairgrounds at Krasnaya Presnya in Moscow. It was organized by the Exhibition Company “Mir-Expo” under the auspices of the International Institute of Refrigeration, the International Academy of Refrigeration and the Ukrainian Association of Industrial Gases Manufacturers “UA-SIGMA”.

The number of the exhibitors has been 15% increased as compared with the last year: 70 exhibitors including 33 foreign companies, all being from 14 countries were located at the showground of 1700 sq. m. The following world famous companies were exhibited among them: LINDE, Cryogenmash, Air Liquide, Ferox A. S., International Group Rare Gases, ACD Cryo, VRV Group, Giprokislorod, SIAD, Trade House Sibcryomarket, Vanzetti Engineering, Hydrogen Technologies, URAL Compressor Plant, Fives Cryo, Cryostar, etc.

The participants of the exhibition demonstrated the new products of the cryogenic engineering intended for the attention of the visitors-specialists:

- Air separation plants;

- Cryostats;

- Technical and rare industrial gases (nitrogen, oxygen, argon and hydrogen) and the equipment intended for their production and consumption;

- Liquefied natural gas (LNG) and gas units;

- Carbon dioxide production;

- Globe valves and fittings;

- Cryogenic vacuum technical equipment and controlling and measuring apparatus.

The 5th International practical-research conference “Cryogenic Technologies and Equipment. Prospects of Development” was run during the exhibition, the saturated subjects of the sessions, reports and presentations being provided. The Russian and foreign specialists presented the new development and research works dedicated to the cryogenic engineering.

More than 1000 specialists visited the exhibition during three days of its running.

The Organizing Committee of the exhibition has got the positive review appreciating the firms’ participation. Practically all the exhibitors said that they would take part in the next 8th International Specialized Exhibition “Cryogen-Expo - 2009” which will be held at the turn of November-early December at the EXPOCENTRE Fairgrounds on Krasnaya Presnya.

For further information concerning the last exhibition and the terms of participation in the next one, please visit our website:

List of the Participants of the "Cryogen-Expo - 2008" Exhibition:

Conference Program:

5th International Conference “Cryogenic Technologies and Equipment. Prospects of Development” was held during the exhibition on November 12, 2008.

On the Issue of the Conditionality of the "Exergy" Concept.
A. M. Arkharov, V. V. Sychev, I. A. Arkharov (BMSTU).

It's Time to Built Cryogenic Airplanes.
V.V. Malyshev (Deputy Chief Designer, "Tupolev" PSC).

Place and Role of Plate-fin Heat Exchangers in the Contemporary Low Temperature Technique.
A. Ye. Sychkov, Dr. of Sc. I. N. Zhuravleva ("INNOVATION HEAT-EXCHANGE SYSTEMS", LLC).

Highly Effective Installation "Chrom-3" For Process Of Krypton ?oncentrate
A. ARKHAROV(b), M.SAVINOV(a), V. POZNYAK (a), V. BONDARENKO (Chromium Ltd., BMSTU, Iceblick Ltd.).

Thermophysical Properties of Superheated Cryogenic Liquids.
V. G. Baidakov, A. M. Kaverin, Institute of Thermal Physics, Ural Branch of RAS.

New Fitting Structures Dedicated to the Cryogenic Engineering and Developed by "ANOD", Ltd.
V. E. Evsikov, chief of fitting department, NPST "ANOD".

Alternative Oil-Gas Refining Plant.
I. A. Arkharov, E. S. Navasardyan, T. I. Sitnikova (BMSTU).

New Cryogenic Technologies in Clinical Practice and Sport of Top Acchievements.
A. V. Butorina, B. A. Polyaev, I. T. Vykhodets, V. N. Erin, E. P. Rubanenko, A. M. Arkharov, V. A. (RSMU, BMSTU).

Cooling Spray for Sports Medicine.
R.O.Kondratenko, S.B. Nesterov, V.A.Romanko (Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Vekshinski State Research Institute of Vacuum Technology".

Virtual Pipelines - an Effective Method of Natural Gas Transport.
Vaclav Chrz, PhD, Chart Ferox, a.s.

Explosion Safety Of Manufacture Of Products Air Separation: Problems And Questions
S.V. Kardakov, A.V. Fyodorova, JSC "Giprokislorod".

Complexes of the Equipment for Storage, Transportations, Deliveries of Carbonic Acid and its Refueling in Cylinders of Company "AvtoGazTrans", Ltd, Samara.
S. P. Alymov (chief engineer, "AvtoGazTrans", Ltd, Samara)

The Mobile and Stationary Complexes Which Provide Consumers with Technical Gases Made by "DIOKSID".
A. I. Rymskiy, A.R. Lutfullin, D. V. Rubtsov ("Dioksid", LLC).


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