CRYOGEN-EXPO / business program
/ Ñonference "Refrigeration and Cryogenic
condensed report according to the
results of the Business Program
development during the 9th
International Specialized Exhibition
The 9th International Specialized
Exhibition "Cryogen-Expo" was held
November 9-11, 2010 at the
Expocentre Fairgrounds (Moscow,
November 8-10,
2010 in the frames of the business
program there were held the
following events: International
scientific conference "Refrigeration
and Cryogenic Engineering,
Industrial Gases, Air Conditioning
and Life Supporting Systems", the
7th International Conference "Cryogenic
Technologies and Equipment.
Prospects of Development" in
conjunction with the 2nd
International seminar "Industrial
Gases" and the 5th
practical-research conference with
international involvement "New
Achievements in Practical Medical
Cryology". The acclaimed experts in
cryogenic engineering sphere and
young specialists deliveried their
reports and presentations within the
frames of these international
conferences. The representatives of
the International Institute of
Refrigeration, International Academy
of Refrigeration, Exhibition Company
"Mir-Expo" and Ukrainian Association
of Industrial Gases Manufacturers "UA-SIGMA"
took the active part in the work of
the conferences.
A.M.Arkharov, Laureate of State
Prizes, Government Awards and Gustav
Lorentzen International Award,
Vice-President of the National
Russian Committee for the IIR,
Honorary IIR Member used to be the
Chairman of the Organizing Committee
of the "Cryogen-Expo" exhibition and
The "Air
Liquide" became primary sponsor of
the exhibition's multifarious
business program.
International scientific conference
"Refrigeration and Cryogenic
Engineering, Industrial Gases, Air
Conditioning and Life Supporting
Systems" was run November 8, 2010 at
the Bauman Moscow State Technical
University in Moscow and was devoted
to the 180th anniversary of the
Bauman Moscow State Technical
University and the 90th anniversary
of the BMSTU E4 Department "Refrigeration,
Cryogenic Engineering, Air
Conditioning and Life Supporting
The Rector of
the Bauman Moscow State Technical
University, Prof. A. A. Alexandrov
presided at the conference. Prof. A.
M. Arkharov served as chairman of
the scientific committee of the
The main topics were:
- modern trends of the development
of the cryogenic engineering and low
temperature physics;
- refrigeration equipment, cold
accumulation and transportation;
- air conditioning and heat pumps;
- life supporting systems;
- new techniques of the industrial
gases use;
- prospective technologies in the
sphere of the cryomedicine and
- energy-efficient and ecology
friendly technology applied to the
low temperature technics;
- food technologies.
The BMSTU Rector, Prof. F. F. Alexandrov made a welcome
speech. PhD Chrz (President of the
IIR Commission A2), V. A. Bannikov (
General Director EC "Mir-Expo"), E.
I. Borzenko (Head of the Cryogenic
Technique chair of the St.
Petersburg State University of
Refrigeration and Food Technologies),
G.K. Lavrenchenko (President of the
Ukrainian Association of Industrial
Gases Manufacturers "UA-SIGMA"), O.
M. Tagantsev (General Director "VNIIKHOLODMASH-HOLDING,
JSC) addressed a meeting. Prof. A.
M. Arkharov (Head of the "Refrigeration
and Cryogenic Engineering,
Industrial Gases, Air Conditioning
and Life Supporting Systems" chair
of the Bauman Moscow State Technical
University) directed the procedure
at the meeting.
The 7th
International Conference "Cryogenic
Technologies and Equipment.
Prospects of Development" was run
November 10, 2010 at the Expocentre
Fairgrounds in Moscow.
A number of the papers on essential
subjects were delivered by Russian
and foreign specialists and some
development of new technologies made
by Russian and foreign firms worked
in the field of low temperature
physics were presented. The 2nd
International seminar "Industrial
Gases" was held, in the course of
which there were highlighted the
points of the produce and use of the
hydrogen, the liquefaction and
transportation of gases, the supply
of the technology processing lines
with carbon dioxide.
During the work of the
practical-research conference the
leading Russian and foreign
scientists and specialists got the
information on the actual questions
of the further development of the
branch, submitted modern
elaborations in the field of the
cryogenic engineering, exchanged the
experience regarding the operation
and updating of the equipment on the
base of the application of the
innovations applied to the
About 150
Russian and foreign scientists and
specialists, students and
postgraduates of the Russian
institutes took part in the
conference. The following R&D
organizations and companies rendered
their help to support the event: St.
Petersburg State University of
Refigeration and Food Technologies,
Russian State Medical University,
Moscow State University of Food
Biological Technology, Vekshinski
State Research Institute of Vacuum
Technology, Cryogenmash JSC, NPO
Geliymash JSC, Iceblick Ltd (Ukraine),
Chart Ferox a. s. (Czech Republic),
Air Liquide (France), Odessa State
Academy of Refrigeration (Ukraine),
Siberian State Aerospace University
named after Academician M. F.
JSC, The Institute of Thermophysics
of the Ural Branch of the Russian
Academy of Sciences, Hydrogen
Technologies (Norway), Lurgi GmbH (Germany),
AvtoGasTrans Ltd, NEXANS Deutschland
GmbH (Germany), Lydall (USA),
Stirling Cryogenics BV (The
Netherland) and others.
The Organizing Committee expressed
the gratitude to the professors and
research officers, foreign
scientists and specialists for their
cordial and helpful co-operation, i.
e. I. A. Arkharov, V. L. Bondarenko,
B. A. Ivanov, G. K. Lavrenchenko, E.
I. Borzenko, A. V. Butorina, S. B.
Nesterov, A. S. Drobyshev (Kazakhstan),
I. M. Kalnin, A. A. Zherdev, N. P.
Losyakov (Ukraine), A. Yu. Baranov,
A. A. Kishkin, D. S. Kuznetsov, A.
Russel (Norway), A. Kogan (USA), B.
Polster (Germany), M. I. Voronin, N.
A. Lavrov, E. S. Navasardyan, E. L.
Emel`yanov, M. A. Kolosov and all
the other officers of the E4 BMSTU
Organizing Committee pays special
mention of the Prof. A. M. Arkharov
contributing much to the development
of the scientific program of the
There were
made 42 reports during the two
working days of the conference, the
reports on the industrial gases
being included and 3 papers were
submitted for publication.
The proceedings of the conference
were published.
Second International conference "Industrial
Gases" is being run April 19-20,
2011 at the Conference-hall of the
Bauman Moscow State Technical
University in Moscow.
Conference Program:
Welcoming speech of the Rector of
the Moscow State Technical
University named after N.E. Bauman -
A. A. Aleksandrov
welcoming address
on behalf of the IIR-the President
of the IIR Commission A2 Dr. Vaclav
Chrz, welcoming speech in the name
of the EC "Mir-Expo"- the General
Director V.A. Bannikov, welcoming
address and report-presentation of
the General Director Air Liquide
Russia Mr. Dominique Bertoncini,
welcoming address in the name of the
Saint Petersburg State University of
Refrigeration and Food technologies
- Prof. E.I. Borzenko, welcoming
speech on behalf of the JSC
Director O.M. Tagantsev, DPh.
90th Anniversary of the BMSTU E4
Department "Refrigeration and
Cryogenic Engineering, Air
Conditioning and Life Supporting
Doctor of Science, Prof. A. Arkharov,
Chief of the BMSTU E4 Department
"Refrigeration and Cryogenic
Engineering, Air Conditioning and
Life Supporting Systems", Bauman
Moscow, Russia
Features of Thermodynamic Analysis
of Cryosystems,
Doctor of Science, Prof. A. Arkharov,
Bauman MSTU, Moscow, Russia
Prospects of Expansion of Rare Gases
A.M. Arkharov1, V.L. Bondarenko1,
N.P. Losyakov2, Yu.M.
Simonenko3 1 Moscow Bauman State
Technical University, Moscow, Russia 2 Iceblick, Ltd., Odessa,
Ukraine 3 Odessa State Academy of
Refrigeration, Odessa, Ukraine
Helium and Hydrogen Cryogenic
General Director of JSC "NPO"
Geliymash " Dr. Vadim N. Udut,
NPO Geliymash ", Moscow, Russia
Current Development Trends of
Low-Potential Energy Systems
Doctor of Science, Prof. Kalnin I.
Moscow State University of
Environmental Engineering, Moscow,
Development of science intensive
cryogenic technologies,
technological lines and creation of
experimental-industrial manufactures
on its' basis, adapted to industrial
conditions of Kazakhstan
Doctor of Science, Prof. S.
Drobyshev, Al-Farabi Kazakh National
University, Laboratory of cryogenic
physics and criotechnologies.
Modern Bioengineering Technologies
Applied to Surgery
Doctor of Medical Science, Prof. A.V.
Butorina, Doctor of Medical Science,
Prof. I.S. Vozdvizhenskiy, Doctor of
Science, Prof. A.M. Arkharov, Doctor
of Science, Prof. V.A. Matveev,
Doctor of Medical Science, Prof.
V.Yu. Moroz, Doctor of Medical
Science, Prof. P.V. Sarygin, E.P.
Rubanenko, DPh, Doctor of Medical
Science, Prof. B.A. Polyaev
Russian State Medical University,
Bauman MSTU, RAMS A.V. Vishnevskogo
Surgery institute
Moscow, Russia
Use of Cryogenics in the Production
of Defrost Water
Danilov K.L.1, Akulov L.A.1,
Boriskin V.V.2, Fokin G.A.2
1. St. Petersburg State University
of Refrigeration and Food
Engineering, St. Petersburg, Russia
2. "Gazprom transgas Sankt-Petersburg",
LLC, Sankt-Petersburg, Russia
Results of Investigation of Small
Capacity Plants for Natural Gas
Liquefaction Applying an Entropy and
Statistical Method
Doctor of Science, Prof. A. Arkharov;
Prof. I. Arkharov; N. Lavrov, DPh;
S. Krasnonosova,
A. Kolobova,
Bauman MSTU, Moscow, Russia
Calculation Researches of Modes of
Propane-Propylene Mixture Separation
by Rectifying Method for Production
of 99.992% Super High Purity
Arkharov I.1, Navasardyan E. DPh, 1,
Armelagos J.2,
1Bauman MSTU, 2American Gas Group
Purification of Fluidized Gases from
the Soluted Gas under Barbotage
Processed Modeling
N.A.Lavrov, DPh, E.A. Skorniakova,
Bauman MSTU, Moscow, Russia
The role of mass transfer rate on
characteristics of air-separation
plant (PSI) for getting nitrogen.
A.A Kazakovà, Yu Nikiforov, DPh,
BMSTU, Moscow, Russia
Vacuum Technology, Cryogenic
Technology and Nanotechnology - Tree
Whales Holding the World of High
Doctor of Science, Prof. S.B.
Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Vekshinski
State Research Institute of Vacuum
Moscow, Russia
Investigation of the Possibility of
Combined Use of Ozone in Objects of
Refrigeration Engineering
Doctor of Science, Prof. A.I.
Smorodin, D.A. Tarabakin, Bauman
MSTU, Moscow, Russia
Analysis of Nonequilibrium Heat
Transfer Influence on VCRM
Moscow, Russia
Scientific Basis of Design and
Production of Equipment for General
Cryotherapeutic Effect
Baranov A., Saveleva A, Sidorova A.,
Saint Petersburg State University of
Refrigeration and Food technologies,
St Petersburg, Russia
Flow with Heat Emission in a Gap
between Rotor and Stator of
Doctor of Science, Prof. A.A.
Siberian State Aerospace University
named after Academician M.F.
Krasnoyarsk, Russia
Progress in Liquefied Gases Storage
and Transport Technology
Dr. Vaclav Chrz, Chart Ferox, a.s.,
Decin, Czech Republic
Transport systems of
air-conditioning: experience of
development and manufacture in
E.L. Emel`yanov , Saint Petersburg
State University of Refrigeration
and Food technologies,
St Petersburg, Russia
Effectiveness of Heat-and-Power
Engineering Machinery in the Field
of Low Temperatures
Doctor of Science, Prof. B.A. Ivanov,
Bauman MSTU, Moscow, Russia
Energy-Efficient Cycles of Vapor
Compression Refrigeration Units
Doctor of Science, Prof. A.A.
Zherdev, A.S. Kolesnikov, A.N.
Bauman MSTU, Moscow, Russia
Power Effective and Power Saving up
Technologies in Building
Yu. D. Frolov, DPh, A.Yu. Pavlov,
A.A. Zharov, DPh,
Bauman MSTU, Moscow, Russia
Energy-Saving Technologies in
Refrigerating and Climatic
Equipmenet Engineered by
Civil Facilities
Kolosov Mikchail A., DPh, Bauman
MSTU, Moscow, Russia
Evaluation of Ice Growing Speed in
Ice Generators Using Contemporary
Methods of Computer Simulation
Navasardyan E., DPh, P. Elmanov, F.
Vol`nykh, A. Kostenko,
Bauman MSTU, Moscow, Russia
Water Evaporative Cooling of Air.
Theory. Practical Realization
S.A. Garanov, A.A. Zharov, DPh, D.Yu.
Pronskiy, A.N. Sokolik,
Bauman MSTU, Moscow, Russia
Computer Simulation of
Superconducting Properties Quality
of HTSC by the Theory of Flowing
E.S. Dontsova, E.S. Navasardyan, DPh,
BMSTU, Moscow, Russia
The Prospects of the Use of Steam
Turbines at Low-Boiling Working Body
as Alternative Sources of Energy
Chernenko D.V., Delkov A.V.,
Hodenkov A.A.,
Siberian State Aerospace University
named after Academician M. F.
Reshetnev, Krasnoyarsk,
Thermal Control Systems of
Untight Performance Spacecraft
Zuev A.A., Tanasienko F.V.,
Siberian State Aerospace University
named after Academician M.F.
Reshetnev, Krasnoyarsk, Russia.