Under the auspices of:
International Institute of Refrigeration, International Academy of Refrigeration, Ukrainian Association of Industrial Gases Manufacturers “UA-SIGMA”.
GasWorld, the main publishing
houses and technical magazines.
Report on the activity at the 10th
International Specialized Exhibition
"Cryogen-Expo - 2011":
The 10th International Specialized Exhibition
“Cryogen-Expo” on refrigeration technologies and equipment
for manufacture, storage, transportation and liquation of
industrial gases was held on November 8 -10, 2011 at the «EXPOCENTRE
FAIRGROUNDS», Krasnaya Presnya in Moscow.
75 companies from Russia, Ukraine, Czech
Republic, Slovakia, Italy, Germany, France, China and other
countries presented their newest developments in the field
of cryogenic equipment and gas industry. Among them are such
great transnational companies as Air Liquide, Linde, Siad,
VRV Group, Red Mountain Energy, Cryostar, Taylor Wharton,
Rare Gases, Teledyne as well as such well-known Russian
companies as Cryogenmash, Uralcryomash, Cryomash, BZKM, NII
KM, Grasys and regional companies.
The company CETH2 took part in “Cryogen-Expo”
for the first time and presented an innovative Hydrogen
Generator on the base of PEM (a solid polymer electrolyte
also called Proton Exchange Membrane) Electrolysis. The
company NEL Hydrogen AS has developed a pressurized alkaline
electrolyser enabling the use of intermittent power sources.
The company Armacell presented a new flexible insulation
product - Cryogenic Systems Armacell which have been
specially developed for low-temperature applications. The
Russian company GRASYS has developed a break-through
technology on the basis of an innovative hollow-fiber gas
separation nano-membrane CARBOPEEK set to accomplish a range
of tasks related to APG treatment and further recovery. This
technology has undergone a series of tests at OJSC NK
Rosneft facilities and has demonstrated excellent
performance. "Pskovtehgaz" has presented the first in Russia
pump with vacuum insulation used to fill high pressure
cylinders and buffer tanks to a pressure of 40 MPa of air
separation products.
All these and many other technological
innovations were presented to specialists at the exhibition
“Cryogen-Expo 2011”. Within three working days the show was
visited by more than 1000 specialists. The exposition area
accounted 2400 sq.m.
Within the frames of business program the
International practical-research conference “Cryogenic
Technologies and Equipment. Prospects of Development”,
sponsored by the Air Liquide company for the second time,
was organized.
Traditionally, the conference was chaired by
Aleksey M. Arkharov, the famous Russian scientist, the
Chairman of the Organizing Committee of the «Cryogen-Expo»
exhibition, Doctor of Technique, professor, the honorary
member of the International Institute of Refrigeration. The
companies presented their manufacturing opportunities and
technologies, and the scientists – the modern trends of
cryogenics. This year the exhibition business program was
appended with a special seminar “LNG Shipping”, which
attracted the attention of the specialists on LNG
The “Cryogen-Expo” exhibition is judged to be
the most respectable collection of leader cryogenic
technologies justly. Exhibitors mention, that the event
actually lets make the beneficial contracts, and they
already book the expo-places for the next event edition.
of the Participants of the
"Cryogen-Expo - 2011" Exhibition:
Kara, Senior Engineer, Teledyne Energy Systems
Our company, Teledyne Energy Systems, participated in the
“Cryogen-Expo” exhibition for the first time. The show was
organized at a high professional level; we didn’t have any
problems with furniture or other formalities. During the
exhibition we met the representatives of many companies,
exhibited their production as well and the great amount of
visitors, who showed the serious interest in our production.
We express our thanks to exhibition organizers and hope for
participation in its following editions.
This year has been our first time at the Cryogen-Expo and we
have had a very interesting feedback from customers,
suppliers and competitors.
We have had the opportunity to establish important technical
relationship which are important steps for new cooperation
and further developments.
Several visitors, from Russia and abroad countries, visited
our booth and all of them showed big interest in our
products and our Cryogenic Division.
We would like to express our sincere gratitude to the
organizing committee for their professional support during
fair preparation and exhibition course.
Isaeva, sales representative, CRYOCAN
On behalf of the Head of the company and all the colleagues
I would like to express the great gratitude for carrying out
of the exhibition. This show left only positive impressions.
And we would like to make special mention of your
professionalism, responsiveness and amiability. We wish you
further development and prosperity.
Thank you so much!
Role of M.V.
Lomonosov in science development
A.V. Butorina*, A.M. Arkharov**, V.A.
Matveev**, S.B. Nesterov***
* Russian State
Medical University named after N.I.
** Moscow State
Technical University named after
N.E. Bauman,
*** Vekshinski
State Research Institute of Vacuum
Technology, Moscow, Russia
Universal heat pump machine system
provided with gas cycle to heat and
low temperature cold generation
Doctor of Science, Prof. A. Arkharov,
Bauman Moscow State Technical
Chair E4 “Refrigerating and
cryogenic engineering, air
conditioning and life support
Engineering department
5, 2-aya Baumanskaya, Moscow 105005,
Methods of mixtures preparation,
containing inert gases and their
stable isotopes
V.L. Bondarenko1, N.P. Losyakov2,
T.V. Diachenko3
Moscow Bauman State Technical
Lefortovskaya Quay, 105005,
Moscow, Russia
Iceblick, Ltd., 29, Odessa, Ukraine
Odessa State Academy of
Refrigeration, Odessa, Ukraine
Technologies of rare gases
extraction from waste flows of
ammonia production
V.L. Bondarenko1, O.Yu. Simonenko2,
Yu.M. Simonenko3
Moscow Bauman State Technical
Moscow, Russia
Odessa State Academy of
Refrigeration, Odessa, Ukraine
Iceblick, Ltd., Odessa, Ukraine
Development of a heat pump to heat
the regenerating gas in
medium-pressure air separation
Doctor of Science, Prof . A. Zherdev;
Doctor of Science, Prof . A.
Smorodin; E. Fetisova
MSTU n.a.N. Bauman, Russia, Moscow.
Global Cryoengineering
Mr. Savir Julka, Vice- President
(Marketing), INOX India Ltd., India
A shish Nanda, DY MANAGER
(Marketing), INOX India Ltd.,
Benefits of using LNG as a fuel for
heavy duty vehicles
B. M. Mashunkin,
Sales &
marketing engineer / Certified
CRYOSTAR sales & service center
NII KM ltd., Moscow,
M. V.
Lomonosov – the founder of Russian
vacuum science and technology
Vekshinski State Research Institute
of Vacuum Technology, Moscow
vacuum perfection of modern space
Krat S.A., Khalimanovich V.I.,
Khristich V.V., *Kravchenko S.V., *Nesterov
S.B., * Romanko V.A.
JSC “Reshetnev Informational
satellite systems” (JSC ISS), 52,
Lenin str., Zheleznogorsk,
Krasnoyarsk region, RF
*Vekshinski State Research Institute
of Vacuum Technology, Moscow, RF
Equipment produced by AvtoGazTrans
Ltd. Samara city which provides an
effective and ecologically safe
using of carbon dioxide
Alimov Sergei, AvtoGazTrans Ltd,
Chief Engineer,
Samara city, Russia
Potential growth scenario’s for
hydrogen production based on
electrolyser technology
Eline Vanden Bussche, Regional sales
director ASIA and C.I.S
Possibility of using the TRIZ for
developing cryogenic systems
Dontsova E., Sotnikov D., Shakurov
A. Vazhenin, D.
BMSTU, Moscow, Russia
machineless module for refrigeration
processing and transportation of
food products
B.S. Babakin 1, M.I.
Voronin 1, D.G. Loktionov 1,
general director V.V. Belyanin 2
1 Moscow
State University of Food Production,
Moscow, RU.
Use of
parametric amplification
electrocaloric effect to develop a
solid ferroelectric coolers E.I.
Borsenko, O. V. Pakhomov, A. S.
Starkov, I. A. Starkov
St. Petersburg State University of
Low Temperature and Food
Institute for Microelectronics,
Technische Universitat Wien
3-D modeling of HTS ceramics with
the use of parallel computing.
V.R.Romanovskii, E.S.Dontsova
Moscow Bauman State Technical
Russia 2 Moscow Bauman State
Technical University,
for testing the scroll expander
V. A. Voronov
Moscow Bauman State Technical
Moscow, Russia
Technology of helium-3 extraction
from natural helium
V.L. Bondarenko1,
A.P.Grafov 2
Moscow Bauman State Technical
Lefortovskaya Quay, 105005,
Moscow, Russia
Iceblick, Ltd., 29, Pastera Str.,
65026, Odessa, Ukraine
Modeling and optimization of thermal
power units of low-boiling working
Kishkin A.A., Delcov A.V., Hodenkov
Siberian state aerospace university
named after M.F. Reshetnev,
Krasnoyarsk, Russia